- A little help, here?
- CARDINAL COUPLE RADIO on the air today!
- Shoni in Russia!
You hear the term above "a little help, here" at sporting events. Ball that's gotten away, a coach chiding a referee or
a player asking for assistance from a teammate or such.
I'm using it today.
WE have tried to present CARDINAL COUPLE as an independent, non-profit 501c entity on the Internet and radio as a source for information...from a fan's view...about the joy and excitement of University of Louisville sports. And, I've had great fun doing it. I've seen the site grow to numbers I never would have believed as far as hit counts and contacts I've made. I've seen a weekly radio show spawn out of it that I really enjoy having.

They do it for free. For love of game and school. I'd pay them if I could. I can't.
In the last month, we've had some setbacks. We're losing our main sponsor...St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in July. They've closed their New Albany marketing and call center. Consolidated it with their Memphis location. It put about 75 people out-of-work.
Myself included.
A website and a radio show cost money. It comes, mostly, out of my pocket. I don't mind doing this. I just don't know how much longer I can...faced with the fact that only Sonja is employed now. I hope to find a job and return to work.
I have options. I could go with a "premium board" and charge for "insider information". I don't want to. I won't.
I could move to Memphis. If you know me, I'd rather take a beating from Mike Tyson, the Rock and Chuck Norris simultaneously. That's not going to happen.
I could shut it all down or drastically cut back on what we do here. I don't want to. I hope you don't want me to do that either.
So, here's me...hat in hand...asking for help.
If you'd like to be a sponsor, we have a great deal. Both radio and website for $15 a month. You can e-mail me at or call 502.291.3651.
If you'd like to donate to CARDINAL COUPLE...I'll accept your check. Make it payable to CARDINAL COUPLE. Send it
P.O. Box 91521
Louisville, KY 40291
We're not set up for Pay Pal or credit cards. We don't recommend you send cash thru the mail.
WE appreciate anything you can do. I'm just trying to cover costs here. Just trying to break even. Once again, we are non-profit, a 501c and no mega-corporate organization...ever though I tease about Cardinal Couple Worldwide Corporate Enterprises sometimes.
There is no "Don Paulie", Bill the Goat, Peekup Dropvoff or
Bud Goode in real life. They exist in the imagination of your co-owner and senior columnist. WE have our fun.
How about a little help, here? Thanks for reading, all the comments and e-mails you send and the people I've met and conversations I've had over the last four years. We hope to be here for a very long time. You can help us remain what we are. Maybe even expand a little more. WE want to cover and provide information. You, the reader, has shown that you want this information and we're glad to do it.
How about a little help, here? It surely would be appreciated.
All the best,
We'll be short a studio co-host as Jenny is on the road for a volleyball event with her step-daughter. But, through he magic of cellular communication, she'll join us from the road. Jeff and I will struggle on without her. We'll talk hoops, volleyball, mutually assured destruction from nuclear conflict and Keynesian economics. In Latin.
Join us, won't you? And go to the site to listen to our archived broadcasts. Monkberry Moon Delight, Bud Goode, Don Paulie and Mike Raphone all plan on popping in.
If we could only lock the studio doors...
Shoni and those delightfully wacky WUGS are getting ready to go to mother Russia... getting ready to take on the world in the World University Games in Kasan. The men warm up today, in fact, with a scrimmage against the Russians WUGS in Prague...which is a part of the Czech Republic. Nice article about the UofL senior at the link below. Enjoy!
A great interview with Nick Stover (@ULFlyingCard on twitter) about UofL Athletics' social media strategy as well as social media crisis management in the wake of Kevin Ware's injury.