As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we take time to recollect and reminisce the things we are thankful for. We are thankful for these things each and every day and try to be good stewards of the many things we are a part of and have thanks for here at CARDINAL COUPLE and THE CARDINAL COUPLE RADIO HOUR. We wish you a wonderful holiday, safe travels if your headed to visit with relatives or friends and hope that you are able to enjoy your time. Like me, you may eat a bit too much...it is, of course, in loving respect and tribute to those who prepared the feast.
We are thankful for so very much.

We thank all of them for making possible the activities we delight in.
The school. As we cover the joy and excitement of UofL athletics, we would be remiss in saying what we do is just go to events, watch them and write or talk about what we see. There is so much more to it than that. The information provided to us by the various sports information departments, Athletic directors and staffers. The access to players and coaches for interviews and accessibility to press areas and timely responses to questions and requests we have. We love the UofL campus layout and the wonderful arenas, fields and venues to watch Cardinal Athletics. It is such a far cry from my undergraduate days there...a sleepy, little campus that had Crawford Gym, Parkway Field and a patch of grass used for everything from field hockey, soccer to intra-murals and fraternity parties...and not much else.
We are thankful for those who are prepared to help us inform and for those who had the vision to create the places we love to go.
The athletes...ah, yes...the brave and gallant warriors who go out and create the news we report. The multitudes of emotions, feelings and reactions we have been privy to over the years sometimes stuns me. Ranging from absolute ecstasy and stunned response from major victories to the utter disbelief and shocked disappointment from near-misses and losses. All of it, never planned or organized...but created by circumstance and events. Seeing efforts of almost super-human strength, skill and desire from college kids...rejoicing when they are successful and lamenting when they fall short.
We give thanks to the young men and women for striving to win and the efforts and training...successful or not...that they provide for school, squad and fans.

We cannot think of a better coaching community to cover and communicate with and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for letting us portray them in a human, caring, sometimes frank and critical...but always "real" and heartfelt light.
Crescent Hill Radio. Several years ago, I embarked upon a theory that a radio show about the joy and excitement of UofL women's sport might have a niche in this town somewhere. I knew right after talking with station owner Kathy Weisbach that WCHQ and Crescent Hill Radio was the place for this to happen...and they graciously put us on the air. She and the staff, D.J.'s and colorful characters associates with this non-profit, community radio station have been there for us every step of the way...and without their backing, encouragement and planning...none of this could been as fun and successful.
Thank you, Crescent Hill...for giving us the access to pontificate our passion.

Whether it's the almost daily interaction with Case or Jeff, the contact and communication of other sports and media journalists or the mentors who helped turn me into a actual writer...those who were with us in the early days. Those wonderful guests and occasional appearances on radio with us. It is hard to believe that I know so many wonderful, intelligent and insightful people. (You'd think some of it might rub off on me, right?) From the beginnings...with Jenny, Sandy, Mark "The Commish" and Jeff. Today...with Case and Jeff. The wonderful "members of the Club"...Sam, Paige and Jared who have brightened our broadcasts and given us such intelligent and fun insights and commentary.
Thank you. You know what you mean to me...to us.
My wife. The co-founder of CARDINAL COUPLE with me and early writer, Sonja chose to concentrate on the things that don't grab headlines or bylines. The administrative tasks...seeing the bills get paid, the advertisers are in line and the thank you cards get sent. When someone para-sails, someone else drives the boat...and that is her. Her love for women's basketball and dis-satisfaction that there wasn't enough coverage of it (and other women's sports) out there led to the formation of CARDINAL COUPLE.
She's my best friend, my soulmate and one love and my guiding light. I can never thank her enough for what she means to me and what she is.

YOU ARE CARDINAL COUPLE. We thank you for that and appreciate everything you do. You've stepped up to the plate in so many ways. We wouldn't be here without you. We look forward to many more days with you and the many things to come. We are thankful for you and what we have. We are thankful that we have the chance to "give back" as well.
All in all, not a bad ride for the "knucklehead" from Fern Creek that surmised maybe someone out there might be interested in reading about UofL women's sports from a non-mainstream media source. Maybe people would like news every day about some aspect of women's sports at UofL. It turns out, they did. It is hard to believe, at times, that we've been at this for as long as we have. Even more incredible is the aspect of it never getting tedious, a chore or "something I have to do." Love of game, participants and program make this a very easy thing.
My mom and dad never got to see this effort or hear our radio show. I like to think they would have liked it.

We're here for you and happy to oblige. Got something to say, something you'd like us to cover or address? Need more chimp photos? Let us know. You are CARDINAL COUPLE. We are thankful. Always have been and always will be.
Happy Thanksgiving...
paulie, sonja (and the guys)
Louisville Volleyball starts their final home-stand of the year with a 7 p.m. match against Syracuse down at the KFC YUM Center. The Cards (10-18, 5-13) are coming off a road win at Clemson. Syracuse has lost their last four matches and is 6-12 in the ACC.

It could be a fun pre-Thanksgiving for you and your family/friends! C'mon down to the river tonight!
Thank you Paulie for this unique and complete look into UofL women's sports. You're a must every day and keep up the good work. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sonja, Jeff, Case and all your readers. GO CARDS and beat UK in everything.
ReplyDelete-- The Real Joe Hill --
Thank you, Joe...for your friendship, support, ideas and conversation all these years. I appreciate that and all those wonderful times in Gatlinburg. I'm proud to know you and your lovely bride!
I enjoy Cardinal Couple very much and want to thank you for what you and your crew does. I look forward to the future with all of you and you never disappoint.
ReplyDeleteBlue Lou
Blue...you've been with us a long time and we appreciate that. You are CARDINAL COUPLE and I'll never forget that time in Memorial when you texted me and told me to "check under my car" after the match. Made the ride home a lot smoother, buddy!
Well said, Paulie. I'm thankful to have been given the opportunity to continue my writing in my own voice. Thanks for being the one to give me that opportunity (and the opportunity to make a fool of myself weekly on live radio).
ReplyDeleteYou're the guy who gets the thanks, Case. You stepped in...became a popular writer right off the bat and a great addition to the nonsense Jeff and I do at WCHQ with The Cardinal Couple Radio Hour. See ya Friday, hopefully, and bring a drumstick and taters....
You know Paulie that despite all the good-natured teasing I give you about the Cards I really do like this website and the things that you do here. Thanks for the card and words of encouragement after my Dad passed away. Friendship can transcend fan rivalry and thanks for being a friend. Simply a wonderful article today!
ReplyDeleteMatthew Mitchell For Governor
Good times, Gov. You are a passionate fan of your program and that is admirable.
Thank you CC.
ReplyDeleteNice Piece...and many thanks to you and your crew for committing to this site and putting the time in to build it into something meaningful.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of foolishness in the media and on the web now. We can always depend on CC to be straight and honest...with a bit of "L Bias".
Thanksgiving is a great time to remind us to be thankful for our lives. No matter how tough things get for any of us there are always folks out there whose daily challenges make our lives look easy by comparison. I've always been amazed by handicapped and challenged people who accomplish more by the time they get up and brush their teeth than most of us will do during an entire day.
If all of us decided to be thankful every day and not look for reasons to complain the world would be a much better place.
Thank you Burn and those beautiful thoughts. It is because of people like you that we delight in what we do. Your contributions to our site have been a source of joy and food for thought and we're proud and thankful to have you on-board. All things are connected and what we do in this world matters.
I'm kind of a late arrival to the Cardinal Couple scene but so very glad I found you. As a former coach and administrator, any time my program received media attention, I was grateful and appreciative. What you and yours do here is nothing short of spectacular and unmatched. Keep on Cardinal-ling. Happy Thanksgiving. The Deb Factor
ReplyDeletePlenty of room on the wagon, Deb! So glad you jumped on and thank you for enjoying the ride with us. You are Cardinal Couple and we appreciate that and never forget that.