We thought we'd take a look at one of the members of University of Louisville's freshman class in today's article. We'll preview the Louisville vs. Maryland match tomorrow...today, we'll take you down south to panhandle Florida and look at the Cardinals version of the popular cartoon character The Roadrunner.
Look quickly, you just might miss her.
Jazmine Jones flew onto the UofL campus this summer and hasn't slowed down since arriving.
After a stellar, multiple championship-winning high school career at Florida A&M Developmental Research School (and why does the image of lab-coats, test tubes and scientists come to mind?) where "J.J." totaled over 2,000 points, 1000 rebounds, 500 assists and 500 steals...plus 2015-16 Florida Gatorade Player of the Year honors...Jones joined a freshmen class that featured five McDonald's All-American nominees and was ranked as one of the best ever in Louisville WBB history.

- 109 minutes (15.6 a game) - 8th best on team and 3rd for the freshmen
- 31 points (4.4 a game) - 7th best on team and 3rd for the freshmen
- 10 steals...which is 2nd best on the team and leads the freshmen.
- 17 rebounds --7th best on the team and third best for the freshmen
- 11 turnovers (third highest on team)
The rest of the numbers are quite impressive on a roster that returns a potential bunch of "time-share" opportunities with eight letter-winners from last year and a four-year starter/transfer. She even has to share her last name on the roster (with wing Brianna Jones).
As one of two players from Florida (Briahanna Jackson being the other) we'll see if the sometimes chilly Louisville winter weather slows her down any. My guess is the only thing that can stop her is an icy sidewalk.
We get the question...yes, she's good but what position is she best at? And, it is a good question. She was at point-guard at times in high school...but is on a roster that has four of those. Probably best suited as a #2 guard...a spot that Asia Durr currently lays claim to. She can shoot the three (although we haven't seen it yet) and rebound well...which could make her a driving "3" or a smallish "4"...(positions the M&M girls currently occupy.)
Let's create a spot for her...we'll call her a "guardward". The "Guardward" had six points and two rebounds against South Carolina last time out

I've said it before and I'll say it again. You could enter her, B.J., Arica Carter (when healthy) and Bionca Dunham in the ACC Track and Field Championships for the 4 X 100 dash and maybe win it.
Athleticism isn't something new to the Tallahassee Joneses. Her dad, Reginald, played football at Florida A&M and for the Dallas Cowboys. Her brother played at FIU. Her sister GiGi at App. State and Jacksonville. It would not surprise me if the family dog participated in the Florida Canine Olympics and won the 100 meter dash. (Is there such a thing? 😊)
She's got her values in order, too...3.3 grade-point average in high school, respect for her grand-parents and family and listing God as her hero.
She comes from a tradition of winning. A strong family support system (the Joneses were in town for the three-game Hall of Fame stretch. You probably heard them if you were there.) She's fit in well to the team concept at Louisville.
She'll be in action tomorrow when #7 Louisville hosts Maryland. A Maryland team that loves to get the ball up and down the court in a hurry. A Maryland team that is undefeated in six games, has four players averaging in double figures and is averaging 95 points a game. A Maryland team now ranked #5 in the nation.
We'll look more closely at that one on Thursday.
I was pleased to join Howie Lindsey on his excellent morning show...LOUISVILLE FIRST...Tuesday morning. We discussed (what else?) Louisville Athletics.
We owe a lot to Howie for graciously giving us a platform to discuss the joy and excitement of Louisville women's sports...plus other Cardinal Athletics...once a week at CARDS RADIO 790...WKRD 790AM.
LINK BELOW...Paulie comes on at the 1:09:58 mark:
In case you ever wanted to e-mail some of the sports media and associates aligned with Cardinal Athletics...here ya go...this is a "master list" UofL uses to get information out:
"Adam Creech (adamhcreech@gmail.com)" <adamhcreech@gmail.com>, "Allar, Bruce" <ballar@loumag.com>, "Andy Sweeney (AndyS@espnlouisville.com)" <AndyS@espnlouisville.com>, AP Louisvile <aplouisville@ap.org>, Bob Domine <bddoesit@bellsouth.net>, "Bob Valvano (BobV@espnlouisville.com)" <BobV@espnlouisville.com>, "Bozich, Rick" <bozichra@aol.com>, "Brian Winner (bwinner@wave3.com)" <bwinner@wave3.com>, "Brown, Russ" <rbrown928@peoplepc.com>, "Bryan, Nathaniel" <nbryan@thenewsenterprise.com>, "Charlie Springer (csworks1@twc.com)" <csworks1@twc.com>, "Chris Humphreys (chumphreys@voice-tribune.com)" <chumphreys@voice-tribune.com>, Chris Resor <isportswebchrisresor@yahoo.com>, "Clemente,Laura F" <lfclem02@exchange.louisville.edu>, Connie Leonard <cleonard@wave3.com>, "Courier-Journal Photo (photo@courier-journal.com)" <photo@courier-journal.com>, Courier-Journal Sports <sports@courier-journal.com>, "Cowgill, Fred" <fcowgill@hearst.com>, "Crawford, Eric" <ECRAWF@aol.com>, dalton ray <dray@louisvillecardinal.com>, "Dan Koob (dkoob@hearst.com)" <dkoob@hearst.com>, "David Harrison (dharrison@courier-journal.com)" <dharrison@courier-journal.com>, "Denny, Stan" <standenny@earthlink.net>, "Doolittle, Bill" <BDoolittle@aol.com>, Drew Deener <drewdeener@hotmail.com>, "E. Marcel Pourtout (mpourtout@gmail.com)" <mpourtout@gmail.com>, "Editor, Louisville Cardinal" <editor@louisvillecardinal.com>, "Eric Crawford (ecrawford@wdrb.com)" <ecrawford@wdrb.com>, "Forde, Pat" <pfeaglebeak@aol.com>, "Forrest, Derek (dforrest@hearst.com)" <dforrest@hearst.com>, "Garrett Moore (garrett1.moore@twcnews.com)" <garrett1.moore@twcnews.com>, "Gary Graves (GBGraves@ap.org)" <GBGraves@ap.org>, Gates <rgates@courier-journal.com>, "Glenn Osborne (glenn@kyforward.com)" <glenn@kyforward.com>, Haven Harrington <hharrington@maineventsports101.com>, "Howlett, Rick" <rhowlett@wfpl.org>, "Hughes, Mike" <mikehughes1986@yahoo.com>, "Jason Anderson (jason@espnlouisville.com)" <jason@espnlouisville.com>, "Jeff Greer (jgreer@louisvil.gannett.com)" <jgreer@louisvil.gannett.com>, "Jennings, Dave (davejennings@iheartmedia.com)" <davejennings@iheartmedia.com>, "Jody Demling (jodydemling@gmail.com)" <jodydemling@gmail.com>, "John Lewis (jlewis@wdrb.com)" <jlewis@wdrb.com>, "John Ramsey (johneramsey@aol.com)" <johneramsey@aol.com>, "John Wise (jwise@wave3.com)" <jwise@wave3.com>, "Jones, Chuck" <cjones@thenewsenterprise.com>, "Jones, Garry" <GarryLJ@aol.com>, "Jones, Rob" <robjones.lyes@gmail.com>, "Josh Abner (jdabner@gmail.com)" <jdabner@gmail.com>, "Joshua McKinney - ClearChannel - 102.3 (joshuamckinney@iheartmedia.com)" <joshuamckinney@iheartmedia.com>, "jshelton@voice-tribune.com" <Jshelton@voice-tribune.com>, "Kaplan, C.D." <cdk@culturemaven.com>, Kendrick Haskins <khaskins@wave3.com>, Kenneth E Klein <kenneth.klein@louisville.edu>, "Kent Spencer (kspencer@whas11.com)" <kspencer@whas11.com>, Kent Taylor <ktaylor@wave3.com>, "Klasskin, Beth (beth.klasskin@twcnews.com)" <beth.klasskin@twcnews.com>, "Korte, Lori J" <ljkort01@louisville.edu>, "KySportsTV (info@kysports.tv)" <info@kysports.tv>, "Lane, Tom" <tlane@fox41.com>, "Lee DeJarlais (ldejarlais@hearst.com)" <ldejarlais@hearst.com>, "Lindsey, Howie" <howielindsey@gmail.com>, "Mark Blankenbaker (cardsandcats2011@gmail.com)" <cardsandcats2011@gmail.com>, "Mark Hebert (mark.hebert@louisville.edu)" <mark.hebert@louisville.edu>, "Marty Finley (mfinley@bizjournals.com)" <mfinley@bizjournals.com>, "Matt Willinger (mwillinger@bisigimpactgroup.com)" <mwillinger@bisigimpactgroup.com>, "McGee, Kerry" <news@fox41.com>, "Michael Grant (virgiltibbs@hotmail.com)" <virgiltibbs@hotmail.com>, "Michael McCammon (michael.mccammon@gmail.com)" <michael.mccammon@gmail.com>, "Mike Lacett (mlacett@wdrb.com)" <mlacett@wdrb.com>, "Natalie Grise (NGrise@hearst.com)" <NGrise@hearst.com>, "Nick Coffey (NickCoffey@iheartmedia.com)" <NickCoffey@iheartmedia.com>, "Ormay, Doug" <dougormay@gmail.com>, "Paul Miles (whasnews@iheartmedia.com)" <whasnews@iheartmedia.com>, "'Peak, Ed' (ed.peak@twc.com)" <ed.peak@twc.com>, "Pemberton, Kimberli A" <kapemb01@louisville.edu>, remy sisk <rsisk@blue-pub.com>, "Rick Bozich (rbozich@wdrb.com)" <rbozich@wdrb.com>, "Rogers, Paul" <paulr@whas.com>, "Sam Draut (sdraut@louisvillecardinal.com)" <sdraut@louisvillecardinal.com>, "Scott Wilson (swilson@glasgowdailytimes.com)" <swilson@glasgowdailytimes.com>, "Slim Vollinger (svollinger@theacc.org)" <svollinger@theacc.org>, "Spencer Kietzman (spencer@espnlouisville.com)" <spencer@espnlouisville.com>, "Stephen George (stephen@insiderlouisville.com)" <stephen@insiderlouisville.com>, "Steve Jones (swjones1@courier-journal.com)" <swjones1@courier-journal.com>, "Story, Mark" <mstory@herald-leader.com>, "Taylor, Kent" <ktaylor@wave3tv.com>, The Cardinal Sports <sports@louisvillecardinal.com>, "TheSportsInquirer (sportsinquirer@gmail.com)" <sportsinquirer@gmail.com>, "Tim Meredith - CN|2 (Timothy.Meredith@charter.com)" <Timothy.Meredith@charter.com>, "Timothy Easley (tdeasley@mac.com)" <tdeasley@mac.com>, "Tony Vanetti (tonyvanetti@iheartmedia.com)" <tonyvanetti@iheartmedia.com>, "Valvano, Bob" <elcoche@yahoo.com>, "WAVE3 (newsrelease@wave3.com)" <newsrelease@wave3.com>, WBKO <sports@wbko.com>, "WDRB News (news@wdrb.com)" <news@wdrb.com>, WHAS-TV assignment desk <assign@whas11.com>, "Whitney Harding (wharding@whas11.com)" <wharding@whas11.com>, "Will Clark - 84 WHAS (WillClark@iheartmedia.com)" <WillClark@iheartmedia.com>, "Wise, Anita" <awise@hearst.com>, "WLKY News (newstips@wlky.com)" <newstips@wlky.com>, "Worley, Nancy A" <nasmit01@louisville.edu>
( Don't look for Paulie on there...he doesn't exist...in the "eyes of the master" at UofL.)
I look forward to her career at UofL. What's up with the master list snub, Paulie? Did you burn some bridges down there?
ReplyDelete-- The Real Joe Hill --
No biggie, Joe. I've never seen half the people on there at an event or presser...so it's a list of nothing, basically. Many on there who are n longer assocaited with the e-mail listed for them.
DeleteI've been told there are a few down there in the admin that don't care for me.
And there go my class president hopes...Never been one to worry much about what other think of me.
Truth is, there are a few down there I don'r care for...so it all washes out the same. Joy and excitement cannot be contained by a list exclusion.
As for J.J....she is going to be something special.
Paulie that list thing stinks as far as staying alerted about events. They are a$$holes tho and u don't need them.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, it's all good. First off, Worldwide is on there and he let's me know about stuff we might be interested in. Next, a few of the assistant SID's have me on their lists, so I get stuff about sports. I have coach's contact as well and would rather get some things directly from the sources instead of the messengers.
DeleteIt is funny, though...that I recently got a bit of flak about NOT covering an event/happening. It's hard to do, though, when you don't know it's happening.
Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Coach Walz has heard of me before and WBB Hoops is, by far, front and center stage right now.
Really, Jeff is on the list?
DeleteYes he is, Vivian. In some countries, Worldwide is considered as a force equal to that of a president or senator. It is rumored that he's being considered as a grand marshal for a parade next spring overseas. Apparently, he made an impression in Europe.
Nice write on Jazmine Jones! I watched her career in high school and think her career has great potential. I hope she doesn't "Taja Cole" out of the program because of playing time.
ReplyDeleteJones has been one of six impressive freshmen for Louisville this season. I think Zambrotta will get untracked in time and if these six are still by the time they are seniors, they may be the owners of one national title and on their way to another.
ReplyDeleteNick O.
Paulie, Paulie, Paulie! It just hasn't been a very good past few days for your little birdies at all. That UK 27 point underdog came in to the pizza palace and ate all your pepperonis, another SEC team sent Where's Waldo looking for a defense after creaming them in WBB and Ricky P. didn't get a bail-out against Baylor. So sorry that the bad luck is going to continue for U ah Vul starting tonight when the Boilermakers pound down the Egyptian toothpick and Mangled Mything. Tomorrow the Turtles will crawl over Waldo's bird brains and then Matthew Mitchell eats all the chicken in the Bucket and beats you on Sunday for his sixth win in a row over those dirty little birdies. Cheer up, though! It looks like your boys can kick a round ball pretty good.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Mitchell For Governor
Well, Gov...I'd been wondering where you have been hiding out! Sorry to break this to you...but UK falls against Louisville WBB. I'll hold comment on Thursday's game against Maryland until tomorrow.
DeleteHope you had a good Turkey Day and you at those Cats...all dressed up and going bowling!
Guv enjoyed your beat down from Colorado. Expect more on Sunday FOR SURE👌
DeleteInteresting background on Jones. I had no idea. Sounds like a winner.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the media email listing goes I find it pretty incredible that with all of the attendance problems women's sports have (with the exception of WBB) not just at U of L but at pretty much all colleges and universities in the US that they would have ignored you on this one. A rational person would think that all of these secondary sports would be standing in line to get with CC to grow interest in their respective activities. Last time I checked that was you folks' mission.
Reminds me of the old saying that folks want a person to be "Good Looking but not Handsome". Point being small people do small things. I've got a pretty clear opinion about why it's happening but it wouldn't be politically correct to put it up here.
In any case your site and efforts speak for themselves. As always Success is the best Revenge.
Wow nicely said BB
DeleteThanks Burn. We're still here and we will be every day. I appreciate your discretion on that. I am fortunate to have a couple of really good writers in Jeff and Case who help me get the word out about the joy and excitement of UofL women's athletics (and more).
Cardinal Couple is the leader in covering UofL women's sports in my book. You just keep writing brilliantly Paulie. You've shown all of us a special light and we hope it keeps shining, brother.There are a couple of them down there in admin that are about as qualified as I am to fly a rocket ship to Venus. Patronage jobs. It happens everywhere. Don't let it get you down Paulie. Keep being that voice for the joy and excitement.
DeleteCurtis "Just get out of the way and let the man do his thing" Franklin
If they can't control ya they disavow and don't know ya.
DeleteJaz is the future of UofL wbb.
ReplyDeleteI see her playing the 3 full time after Mariya leaves.
Future starting line up
PG Evans
SG Durr
Wing J. Jones*
P shook
C Ciera
Keep in mind when Myisha ,Mariya & Arica leaves this group should take over.
DeleteWith Sid & Bionca getting big min.2019
If I were Coach Walz, I'd be pretty pleased with those five...that's for sure. We know not at this time how the future talent on the way will translate out into the college game...or who else he may bring in...but it does look like the mad scientist has plenty of help in the lab.
PG Evans
DeleteSG Durr
Wing J. Jones*
P shook
C Ciera
I like that lineup. Mainly if Evans is the faciliter and distributer we hope she is. I saw a backup pg on Colorado make the best drive and kick out pass I've seen all year to a wing on the base line for a 3 pointer. So much so I was surprised she saw the girl. That's what we need a pg that can find people from anywhere.
Such a great article for a great athlete!!! Keep it on go Jaz!!! Love you!!! Coach Cromartie!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting, coach! You're a big reason for what she is today.
Another battle with the bigs.Maryland has big post player.
ReplyDeleteThis is good for Ciera & kylee playing real good competition.