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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ulrich Wins Again - Sunday Cardinal Couple

ACC Championship Number 2

As Case mentioned in yesterday's Cardinal Couple article, Jayden Ulrich would be vying for her 2nd ACC Championship of the weekend yesterday in the discus throw, and sure enough, she prevailed and will return to Louisville one of only two UofL athletes to accomplish the double-thowing victories.  Her throw reached a distance of 61.31 meters, or 201 feet and an inch or so.  The previous meet record for the ACC Championships was 60.80 meters, or 199 feet 6 inches making her the first to break the 200 foot distance in the ACC Championship event.

The previous double ACC Champion was Emmonnie Henderson in 2015.  2015 was Henderson's freshman year, which was the year she played basketball, and was an Engineering student at Speed School, and after losing in the Sweet 16 to Dayton, decided to switch sports and take up throwing in track & field.  Not a bad decision, all things considered.

Next up for Ulrich and other track and field athletes, will be the NCAA East Regional event, taking play May 22-25 in Lexington.  Ulrich will qualify along with a few other UofL athletes.  The criteria for inclusion in the regional is to have a Top 48 finish in their event throughout the season.

If I'm reading the data I've found correctly, Louisville athletes will include Rylee Penn in the 1500, Soledad Jean in the High Jump, Natalie Lark, IlianaTriantafyllou, and Paris Bond in the Pole Vault, Ariel Lawrence in the Long Jump, Alba Cuns Iglesias in the Triple Jump, and Lucy Fellows in the Heptathalon.

Cardinal Couple Radio Hour Podcast

A fearsome foursome for the CCRHP yesterday.  We talk a bit of weather, both in atmosphere and space weather, before turning our attention to the rapidly thinning Cardinal sports calendar.  We took some time to honor some award winners around campus, and picked up a few other bits and bobs of news.  Of course we gave the newest ACC Champion, Jayden Ulrich a bit of coverage, and this was recorded before she won her second event yesterday.

Join us as we continue to bring you all things UofL women's sports, even as we start into the summer slump.

-- JMcA

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