-Three Jeff Walz Camps and Clinics in June
-Cardinal Couple Radio today!
The month of June won't be a slow one for UofL head women's basketball coach Jeff Walz. In addition to having limited access to the 16 UofL women's basketball players scheduled for the 2013-14 squad, he'll also host three camps for basketballers beginning June 15th. Add a little recruiting and AAU camp visits...and the coach and his assistants will be going just as strong and steady as if it was in mid-season.
Coach wouldn't have it any other way. You see, this college basketball thing is 12 months a year, regardless whether the squad is putting up "W's" or not.
The fun at camps and clinics begins June 15th., when UofL and Coach Walz host a ELITE SKILLS SESSION. It's for grades 8-12 and will feature some of the movers and shakers in girls' high school hoops coming in to test their skills against the best and brightest out there. There will be a second session as well on June 26th. The UofL womens' basketball coaches, staff and current players will be accessing the talent, adding helpful instruction and providing valuable instruction on shooting, passing, ball-handling rebounding and defense. All things that UofL did quite well in their second place finish in the recent NCAA WBB Tournament.

Right after that, a TEAM CAMP for JV and Varsity starts on June 21st. This 3-day event gives the best from across the nation to compete and perform in a challenging environment that will test their skills and abilities against the nation's best.
Players of all skill levels are welcome (beginner, intermediate and advanced) and will be instructed by UofL staff and current UofL players within the appropriate age groups.
Shots will be falling and some of the best high schoolers in the nation will be learning from the knowledgeable and talented Cardinal Basketball gurus.
For more information, go to:
( Special thanks to Adrienne Johnson, the lovely "A.J"...for the info on the camps. Whatever they're paying her at UofL, it ain't nearly enough. And, I think I could beat her in free throws. Here's hoping she doesn't see this....)

And, we got a lot to talk about!
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We have a lot of fun between me, Jeff and Jenny and if you're not may just learn something about the joy and excitement that is Louisville womens' athletics.
Plus, I'll see if I can stump my co-hosts in another exciting episode of "Believe It or Don't".
I'm doing an Ali and Babe Ruth here. Calling the shot and predicting I take them down for a second week in a row.

You've spent worse hours in your life...we think you should give us a listen.
We can also do some great (OK...pretty good...) live advertisements for your business or organization and it's very inexpensive. Call Paulie at (502) 291-3651 for more info. Or to see who he likes at Churchill. He'll talk to anyone....
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