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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Karen Ferguson Dayes Interview -- Thursday Cardinal Couple


I was able to catch up with Louisville WSOC Head coach Karen Ferguson Dayes on Wednesday and get her thoughts on the season, the program and the 2024 squad:

CC: We are here with Louisville Women's Soccer Head Coach Karen Ferguson Dayes. Coach, we appreciate the chance for the interview. I understand you are in two-a-days with the squad now

KFD: We are! Where has the summer gone, Paulie? We're back, we are in our second day of practice, having meetings and the squad is working hard.  

CC: With 204 wins under your belt, you are the winningest coach in Louisville history.  I can remember when the team played out at the track and field cpmplex next to Ulmer Stadium. Taking a look at last year, a kind of rough season for the squad with a 4-9-5 record and 3-5-3 in the ACC.

KFD: Yeah, not one of our most proud records, but if you came and watched us play, you'd be shocked that that was our final record. The ame is won and lost on the scoreboard, though and that was an area where certainly we just didnt score enough to get more wins. Scoring will be a point of emphasis this year. 

CC: How are things  looking so far with the squad? 

KFD: Time will tell.  We are going to need some time,we have 14 returning players and 13 new...we're taking a look in the early sessions to see how the new players are meshing with the returning players. the almost 50% new isn't that uncommon, i think you'll probably see it with other squads here on or campus and across the nation because of the transfer portal.  But, all has gone well so far, quite frankly. 

CC: Have we gotten to the stage where the players have taken off the "Hello, my name is..badges?" 

KFD: (laughing) Yeah, yeah we are past that stage. The grow fairly quickly to a level of comfort with each other. 

CC: What do you see the role being for players Karsyn Cherry, Lizzie Sexton and Erryn Floyd this year?

KFD: Karsyn is our captain and i feel that she wasn't quite at her best this year because of some injuries.  She just got caught behind the eight ball, she had more, she just couldn't physically give more.  This year she is rocking and rolling. She's as fit as she has even been, as strong as she's ever been and playing as well as she ever has. She has grown into a leadership role.  Lizzie is awesome and such a firece competitor and she's coming off a injury from last year . She spent a lot of time this summer getting better and we're excited to see how she is going to perform for us. Although she may not being wearing the captain's armband, she'll be a very influential player on this year's team . Erryn is growing as well, Unfortunately, she didnt play in the summer, she was dealing with a little bit of an injury, but she.s back at it now. She looks great out there . Every year she just gets better and better. Our new goalkeeper coach Olivia Mills has been working with her and we're excited to see her help Erryn fulfill her abilitues. 

CC: You're having three new teams joinng the ACC, What is your thoughts and observations on them?  

KFD: Yeah, we definitely didn't need to add those three in regards to how good they are (laughing)  Stanford was in the championship game last year againt Fl
orida State, I haven't seen Cal as much as Stanford but I know they are excellent as well  I'm good friends with the SMU coach and she has build a really good and strong program down there. 

CC: Who are some of the other players we should keep an eye on? 


KFD: Betsy Huckabee. We played her in a lot of different roles last year as a freshman and I feel she's is a player that really doesn't get enough recognition . We going to try and play her in the center, in midfield this season
 and if we can let her grow in that spot , I think you'll see what we think she can become and turn into to. Lauren Contini is a freshman who can score goals and A.G...Anna Grace Gibson is a local freshman from Assumption and I think she'll be really good for us this year as well. She played for Javanon and the Racing Louisville FC Academy and we really like her skills and talent. 

CC:  Some others that are new and you see contributing?

KFD: We have five transfers and eight freshman  Jolie St. Louis is a transfer from UAB that will contribue a lot for us. Gianna Angelillo joins us from Miami (FL) and will be of signfificant help, has great talent and knows our league.  Ella Kane come over from UK and
 is a really good player. Kailey Kimball was a goalkeeper at Purdue and joins the roster. 

CC; Any final words for our readers?

KFD: i think we are a team you'll love to cheer for. We fight for each other. We are hard working. We've got each other's back . They are a group you can get behind and cheer for. Come out and watch this bunch play and help us get to the finish line.


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