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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Praasterink Advances to 10M Finals -- TUESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Else Praasterink Advances to Olympic Finals

Photo from @LouisvilleSD on X

Recent University of Louisville diving alumna is making a name for herself at the 2024 Paris Olympics. The Dutch native has qualified for and advanced to the finals for the 10M Platform Diving.

After a 15th place in preliminaries, Praasterink stepped up and improved her position to 12th in the semifinals. The top 12 finishers advanced to finals so the Dutch native just snuck in.

Praasterink is the first Louisville athlete to compete in a diving event in the Olympics and therefore is now the only Louisville athlete to advance to an Olympic final in diving. She posted a combined score of 292.80 over her five dives.
Photo from GoCards

The leader is Honghcan Quan of China with a score of 421.05. The current second place finisher is Yuxi Chen of China with a score of 403.05. No other divers scored higher than 367.00. Praasterink is the only representative from the Netherlands in the finals.

The 10M platform diving finals will be today (08/06/2024) beginning at 9:00am ET (3:00pm GMT+2). It can be streamed on Peacock.

Happy Tuesday and Go Cards!

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese are always so tough to beat in the diving events. What is it that makes themso uch better than the rest of the world? Congrat to Elle!!!

    Nick O


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