If you followed the site last fall when I started writing, you'll know that I quite enjoy football. I'm an avid fan of sports in general, but football is one that I really cling too because of the intricacies. Football is like a game of chess, except if all of the pieces could go more or fewer spaces than intended completely at random. Much thought is put into tactics and game planning only for them to potentially fall apart with every snap. Anyway, this probably won't be the last time you see me write about football, because it is so present in my brain. I will still bring you your prescribed doses of women's soccer when applicable, but I ask that you begrudge me my football thoughts. With fall camp in full swing and kickoff in Indianapolis a little under a month away, now seems like as good a time as any to share some thoughts about the upcoming season.
More Questions than Answers

These are all questions that can't really be answered until the season ends (hopefully) in January. Louisville hosted an open practice last week to start camp (the only one they'll host this season) and most reports indicated that the answers to these questions are unclear. It is almost impossible for Lamar Jackson to have not gotten better over the offseason, but how much better did he get and how much of an effect will it have? If the offensive line isn't any better, will it matter at all? Some said that Jackson's arm didn't seem all that much more tuned than before. He still missed throws he shouldn't have, but a lot of that can be chalked up to shaking off the rust of a new fall camp. Some of the questions about Louisville's Heisman winner will be answered very early, with others having to wait. I believe that a student of the game such as Jackson will have made large strides over the summer. Whether or not this was apparent last week during a practice is irrelevant. What Jackson shows on the field against Purdue is what will matter for the success of this Cardinal team.

College football "experts" have spent the last part of these summer months saying all kinds of stuff. Most of what they say is to draw page views to their site, but they are still interesting to see and potentially talk about. One list left Lamar Jackson out of the top five players. Another left him out of the top five quarterbacks. Jackson has taken multiple approaches when asked about it, but the bottom line remains the same. The things that people write about players' talents do not have an impact on the outcome of the game. So long as the players themselves perform the best that they can, those talents will speak for themselves.

Sound off in the comments with how you think the Cards will do this year. What do you see being their strengths and weaknesses? Where do the wins and losses come from? Let me know what you think.
Until next time, Go Cards!
No harm with a little football now and then. I see Louisville 10-2 and a nuce bowl bid. As I told Daryl Foust Saturday...if we can get out of the FSU, Clemson and UK games 1-2 and lose nothing else I will be OK with that.