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Monday, July 8, 2024

Cardinals Softball Camp Registration Open -- MONDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


UofL Softball will be holding a one-day camp for softball players that are due to graduate from high school in the years 2025-28 on July 17th at Ulmer Stadium on the Don Dobna Field, The Wedneday camp with run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will be held in two divisions -- pitcher portion will begin at noon and run to 3 p.m.

The camp will be run by UofL staff, cooaches and player on the squad.  The camp is designed to help players work on their skills, metrics and a look on what it takes to be a competitive player in the ACC, 

After a morning skills session the players will break for lunch and then live competition until 3 p.m. . Players will be evaluated at their primary playing postition and also on their batting skills. 

To get more information on the camp and registration please go to the following website:

There is information at the website about other Cardinals softball camp, including a Lil' Cards camp on Friday, July 24th.

Louisville's camps for up and comng players are excellent opportunites for them to learn the skills and get tips from the players and coaches involved in DI NCAA Softball and also fun for the participants. 


1 comment:

  1. Elif playing huge in U20's with 20 ponts and nine boards in Turkey;s win over Poland.


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