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Wednesday, July 10, 2024



One of the things I have learned since my heart surgery and subsequent cardiac rehab is that making healhty habits and a healthy lifestyle is something that should become a daily habit. I know... they probably tried to teach me this 60 years ago, but. uh, I was busy. Maybe. Better late than never for life's lessons to sink in, right?    

Sometimes, we can have a lapse in the healthy habits we want to pursue. We can get off track. We know what to do  but can't quite remember or rediscover the motivation to stick with it. A buddy of mine loves to use the phrase: 

"It's hard to remember your initial objective was to drain the swamp when you are up up to you ass in alligators." 

As many of the student- athletes at UofL and other schools prepare for their upcoming seasons, the dilemma comes in sometimes hitting the "pause" button. A LAPSE FOR A FEW DAYS, WEEKS OR MONTHS CAN CAUSE A LOT OF DAMAGE. MAKING HABITS LAST FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE are more like a marathon instead of a sprint.. I have learned that, even at my advanced age....exercise can do a body a great deal of good.  Done in moderation with my set skills. Here are some ideas to help you prevent those lapses in your quest to keep helathy habits. Call these five concepts "Paulie's Progress". Or, hell, call them whatever you want, I didn't invent the concepts....Bob's a nice name, call them Bob if you want. 

KEEP SETTING NEW GOALS-- The more you think about achieiving specific accomplishments and celebatng them, the harder you'll want to work. Start small and focus on small adjustments rather than radical changes that just may not be obtainable yet. One of my more recent goals was a simple one... walking the driveway. Besides creating the illusion in my neighbors' mind that I had finally "lost it" I was working on meeting a goal, then slightly increasing it when i reached it. Increasing in small steps. And on rough weather days, your local grocery store or Walmart has plenty of aisles in climate controlled comfort. Plus you sometimes get a glimpse into just how crazy some of the people in this world are.. Remember... one step at a time and stay focused. 

when an obstacle comes up that throws you off, review what you want to accomplish. Staying focused makes obstacles seem much smaller when put them into perspective. Remember you past sucessess and remember you are trying to create a healthy liffestyle. And remind youself why you want to be healthy and be realistic in your goals and  acheivements 

Remeber, setbacks can and probably will happen. No one is perfect and it is only how we react that makes a big difference. The quicker you get back on track, the better. Planning for setbacks can also reduce their impact. If you have Monday, Wednesdy and Fridays set for fitness or health training and miss a Friday...just try to make a little time on Saturday or Sunday to make it up. i missed a day last week because of a national holiday. But, I took a little time to make it up the following day. 

Become more aware of factors that can weaken your motivaton and commitment. Remember, these can be internal as well as external. I had a friend compliment me recently because of some diet changes. I asked her to stop. Why? Because I am not doing them to impress or please others. These changes are for my heart and health. Praise, while nice to get, can also weaken the resolve to succeed. If it's an ego thing for you, you will probably fail.


SURROUND YOURSELF WITH REMINDERS -- External memory aids can remind you why it is important to stick with new behaviors. Having constant reminders of why it is important for you to stay on track can help you remember the benefits of living healthy or whatever your goal is.  Do you remember the old Minnesota Vikings motto from the 1960's? "40 for 60" ? It meant they they were all involved in the game (back then there were 40 players on the roster) for the entire 60 minutes they were on the field. One that an intramural basketball team that i played on used was "five guys, four quarters, three (points) is better than two, two halves and one win." Whatever it takes for you to remind yourself to keep your eyes on the prize. do it

Have a great Wednesday and keep pushing...straight ahead. 





  1. My cardiac rehab was much the same as far as bikework, weights and a meditative session atthe end of each work out with the group. are you over at the UofL rehab off Old Henry? Ask them if they remember Dynamo Donnie if you are...Cheers!

    Dynamo Donnie
    Hail State!

  2. Let me offer up another - mental. Keep using your brain. Don't just be a zombie like creature going through physical tasks.

  3. Yes, brain is very essentiial in all of my points. alays think out any planned exercise. know you limitations and determine if you are ready to do such.


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