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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Conference changes and realignment --it's anyone's guess. --MONDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


As we look forward to the fall sports and the new challenges for our Louisville women's sports squads, we also wonder how conference changes will affect how our teams do ...and if there are more conference realignments and changes ahead? 

I wonder how long the "Pac 2" will exist and who will eventually take the two remaining members  (Washington State and Oregon State). Will the Mountain West team up with them? What would you call such an alignment? Would they attract others? 

Will certain members of the ACC continue to rattle their swords and speak of leaving to join "so and so" or "those guys" and what will the newest members of the ACC bring and have success at in their initial season? It would sound weird to say Caiifornia dominated the Atlantic Coast...wouldn't it?

I read a interesting rant in one of the comments sections of a site I read occasionally...about how the nation should divide into seven regions for DI sports and create seven "super conferences". The Northeast, East, Southeast, Central, Midwest, Southwest and West. The idea is an intriguing one...there are 363 DI schools, so, obviously, there just might need to have subconferences with the conferences. And, how would independents Notre Dame, UConn and UMass react to this in football?  

Imagine the conferences haggling over border lines for placement. Imagine UofL and UK in the same division but IU and Purdue in different ones? I know, too much thought requests for a Monday morning, right? 

Schools used to take pride in their number of conference title wins and domination over other conference foes. All that might be erased, down the road. Imagine Virginia Tech and Virginia in two seperate conferences...imagine Maryland and West Virginia being matched up again with the regional rivals they used to have. 

I guess all we can do is cheer for our favorite team and hope that they do well in whatever conference they might end up in down the road. For Louisville, who began years ago in the MVC and made strides thru various conferences until they reached the ACC, the thought maybe isn't as weird as Kentucky fans getting used to being in something other than the SEC. 

Interesting times ahead.,,,stay tuned and let's review it five years from now...shall we? Or maybe five months...



  1. How long will football decide conference affiliation for ALL the other sports teams?
    Stanford and Cal having to travel coast to coast to play conference games in those sports other than costs are gonna be a NIGHTMARE.

  2. You are dead on with that observation, Kstarksr and athletic programs will probably start charging for all sports, like softball, and soccer, and field hockey and lacrosse, just to name a recap expenditures .

    Nick O


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