By now... the vast majority of the readers of our fair site here at Cardinal Couple know that Jude Schimmel has written a book.
She'll be signing that book Sunday April 19th. here in the "Ville" at Cardinal Hall of Fame Cafe from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
That would be the restaurant on the corner of Crittenden Drive and Central Ave. The place that never "comps" us but is a UofL mecca. Burgers that rank the best in the city.

We've sent out feelers and agreed to more coverage on the auspicious event...welcomed Jude to provide us more details through her handlers and interested parties...so further information is pending. We'd love to fete it megaforce. We'll see if our fork in the media pie warrants further "helpings".
We'll buy a copy, read it from cover-to-cover and recommend it to all...what she embodied to the program and her story can never be duplicated.
She'll always be "22" and the jersey should be retired.
To learn more about the book and order it, go to the link below...
More info to follow, hopefully.
This is great news. I will be there.
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty cool that she is getting it out so quickly. Looks like she's already looped into Nike, an NGO and a government native program of some sort so she should be getting great support for her book launch. It would be great to know if it is going to be up on Amazon and if so when that might happen.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to Jude and her publishing adventure. She's certainly hitting the ground running.
More on Jude's book at the link below
Great Link. Appreciate it.
Deletehope the book goes over well, she's got no shot at the WNBA
ReplyDeleteI'm about to delete this...but will wait a bit...so I can do some URL research and find out the location of the naysayer.
True she has no shot at the WNBA but who cares? She did a good job this year especially from the Florida State game on.
DeleteAs figured...a Lexington URL. THink I'll leave it up here so we can throw rocks at it and bandy it about a bit.
DeleteBeef. It's what's (desired) for dinner. Beef makes terrible socks.
It's probably the Gov. It's no small coincidence that she hasn't shown her face here since Wisconsin booted her one and done boyfriends outta the tourney.
DeleteI'd put more bank on Jude having a positive impact on more lives before it's all done than anyone on either UK club. At the end of the day that's what matters.
By the way...the WNBA draft projection I'm looking at has a Kentucky scorecard that looks like this:
Louisville - 3
WKU - 1
UK - 0
It may or may not be accurate but at least our kids are on the radar. UK is nowhere to be found.
I'm still around Burnie Baby. Just following my Softball Cats (the same ones who banged up your Birds that couldn't get a hit even in Tee Ball) It's only the best conference in Softball. The SEC. Only 5 days until we beat you again in another women's sport. Softball in Lexington.
DeleteMatthew Mitchell For Governor
DeleteDid you get your 40 - 0 tattoo modified to 38 - 1 yet? When you get the work done send a pic over to Paulie. We'd all like to see it.
Burnie Baby! How nice of you to worry about little old me! I'm looking to hire a cabana boy for my pool. Can you carry a drink and hand out towels? No tattoos on me, but I hear "where's Waldo" is getting a tat with the words "Born To Lose To" and a picture of a Wildcat.
Delete38-1 and another Final Four. Too bad that Rickie P.'s GPS couldn't navagate him to Indy.
I'll let you get back to helping Aaron, Gill and Freeman pack. Fold their clothes nicely, Burnie!
Matthew Mitchell for Governor
Appreciate the job offer Gov but I hear your old pool boy is back in the job market. Since his crime was against a farm animal instead of an actual human they decided to cut him some slack. Check in with his probation officer to confirm.
DeleteA suggestion though... if you bring him back you should probably keep your cocker spaniel in the bedroom with the door closed. It'll be better for everyone involved.
One more thing before I let you get back to your soft lemonade...rumor has it that your neighbors aren't that happy about your pool situation. They were fine with the concept but when you started having weekend Noodling tournaments and didn't invite them it was just too much. It does however comply with current zoning laws in your neighborhood though, so good job with that.
We received a nice e-mail from Rick Laemmle...who is involved in the Jude book project today...thanking us for our coverage and interest. He'll be forwarding us information on the announcement of the book at the press release and I expect we'll run into him at the book signing.
ReplyDeleteWonder if he's related to my former political science professor at UofL Phil Laemmle?
More to follow...hopefully and interview with Jude and suxh.
We finished 4-5 verse the final top 25 teams in the coaches poll. That includes 2 wins over N. Carolina. Not too bad. We ended up #10 in final poll. I think we started the pre-season ranked #12 or #13.
ReplyDeleteAnd...Charlie Creme has our Cards at #7 on his "Way Too Early Top 25" rankings for next year. Creme is calling Walz's club the Best Young Team in the Country, which is pretty cool.
DeleteIt means almost nothing in the real world but there's respect for the program and Walz baked into that call.
Here's the link:
Catch them early. Set them straight. A great line from "The Green Mile" Walz has lightning in a bottle. Let's hope he can create a energy surge with it.
DeleteNick O.
Jude sure got this book out in a hurry. It's a definite "buy" and will be ordering it as soon as I can wrestle the credit card away from the wifey.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that there was only an original run of 5,000 and the purchase location, so far, is only from her website. Then, again, I know absoltely nothing about the publishing industry or world.
The pub world, yes. Been there, done that, prospered and got out. I could write a book about my bar owner experiences. A horror novel. :)
The Real Joe Hill
LOL...ah, yeah, the days of the Fox and the Parrot. Quite a bit of difference in walking up those two flights of stairs to enter and then negotiating down them a couple of hours later during departure. Only place in town that had Spotted Dick on the menu. (Google it...it isn't what you think, boys and girls).
Hey that spotted dick is a great dessert! There was a British bakery in a town I used to live it that sold it.
DeleteThe Rover