Friday, July 5, 2024

July Celebrations (Louisville's version) -- FRIDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


Goooood morning readers!  UofL shut down for the holiday and gave staff Friday off as well so I did get to enjoy a late night with some fireworks off into the distance.  We didn't shoot any off but we live close enough to Kentucky Kingdom and Audubon Park that the two put on quite the show for us.  

The month of July always reminds me of UofL's ACC birthday.  July also means fireworks.   Its officially been 10 years in the conference for the Cardinals. 

ACC Birthday in 2014 where the other ACC mascots traveled to UofL to celebrate. 

ACC Women's Basketball Champions

ACC Women's Volleyball Champions

We at Cardinal Couple are enjoying the time off as we look ahead to another successful season of Cardinals athletics.   We hope to see you out there!  If not, you can always come back to Cardinal Couple for thoughts and recaps.  

We appreciate your viewing and engagement! 

As Always
Go Cards!


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