Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day -- THURSDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Happy Independence Day!

We here at Cardinal Couple would like to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day! Whether you're looking to host family and friends, make a trip to the lake, or just hoping for some peace and quiet at home, we hope you have an enjoyable holiday.

For my wife and I, we will get to host her parents for the extended weekend and welcome my family over for a cookout and some board games. I have become particularly fond of playing Mexican Train.

If you choose to partake in shooting off fireworks, please do so with extreme caution. The loss of a limb or fingers doesn't sound appealing. I have had my fair share of shooting off fireworks that cause the neighborhood to shake and light up the sky so I can understand the joy of doing so.

Happy 4th of July, Happy Thursday, and Go Cards!

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