Monday, July 1, 2024

Duchars. Plumb Named to College Sports Commuicators Award -- MONDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


In these days of NIL endorsements and lucrative packages for college athletes, the term "student-athlete" sometimes gets lost by the wayside when discussing those who toil on the athletic fields and courts on the UofL and other campuses. The importantce of academic excellence has not fallen by the wayside, mind you, one still has to maintain the grade-point average to be athletically eligible..but it is somthng that doesn't get mentioned as much as points per game, kills, goals, stops or which corporate sponsor in adorning the player's jersey. .  

So, let's take a look today at two who have exemplified academic success in their time at UofL. Two scholasr from the Cards Field Hockey program continue to "make the grade" and serve as a shining example of how good grades and excellent athletic performance can go hand and hand.


Aimee Plumb is a senior forward from Canterbury, Kent, England and has been named named CSC Academic All-District for the third straight year in a row. You can get any better than Amy, she had a 4.0 average and is majoring in Psychology, with minors in Art and Spanish.  A two time NFHCA Academci All-American, She also earned ACC and NFHCA Schola Athlete of the Year awards in 2022-23. 

On the field,  Aimee led the Cards with 18 points, she had a team high eight assists and five goals. We tease abut someone being "Plumb Perfect"  when they've had a good outing or performance, and the tales of the young woman from Cantebury could easlily equal the 24 told in the Tales of Canterbury book.


Mia Duchars is also a senior and is from St.Louis Missouri.  She plays defense for UofL and is a biology major. She is a three-time NFHCA National Academic squad selection. Mia is also a two time ACC Academic Team Member. 

She's a two ACC Field Hockey Defensive Player of the Week, and helped the Cards record six shutouts in 2023. Under her defensive guidance, Louisville made the semifinals of the ACC Tournament and quarterfinals of the NCAA Tournament. It's been said that if Duchars was in charge of defending the Golden Arch in St. Louis, nothing would get through it. 

We salute these two excellent "Stick Girls" at UofL .They've stuck to academic excellence, and the Cards keep sticking up winning scores.on the winning side of things.

Plumb and Duchars personify the meaning of a student-athlete. And Chloe Plumb, Aimee's little sister (at least academically-wise) ensures to continue the fine tradition of a "Plumb-er" at Louuisville for a few more seasons...she's a sophomore forward on the Cards roster...


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