Thursday, August 11, 2016

Women's Soccer and Olympics -- THURSDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

WSOC falls 1-0 to DePaul in exhibition

The University of Louisville women's soccer team traveled to DePaul yesterday to face
the Blue Demons in an exhibition soccer match...
falling to the hosts 1-0. 

Not much more is available than that, as is the case in most sports' exhibition matches. I had to
go to the DePaul Athletics home site to glean that
bit of knowledge...perhaps more will be available
at the Fall Sports Media Day tomorrow. 

The Fall Sports Media Day features the women's
soccer, volleyball and field hockey
selected players. It's an introduction to what lies
ahead for the three sports and a great opportunity
to pick up audio for our Saturday radio show as well.

They even feed us lunch, a can't miss opportunity.

Held in the Lynn Stadium Soccer complex, we had a
great time last year hearing the coaches and getting
interviews with the players. We'll recap our time at
the venue in Saturday's Cardinal Couple and have a
few clips to share on the radio show at 11 a.m. on
The show airs at 11 a.m. on WCHQ 100.9 FM locally
and can be heard on the internet at the link:

Speaking of the show, we've been doing quite well
over there...we were the top show based on replay data
for July and have started out August just as strong. 

Thank you, listeners! You are CARDINAL COUPLE and we appreciate it. I recently received an e-mail from a listener
in Stuttgart, Germany who attended UofL in the 90's. 
She is stationed there with her husband who serves
our armed forces. She appreciates the daily updates
on her "home" for four years and is just an example
of how our following base transcends borders and 

"Sie sind willkomen und danke Frau!" 



Are you bleary-eyed and suffering from lack of sleep
like ol' Paulie is lately? Yep, binge watching the Olympics
time of year around the Sykes much
to choose from and so many story lines that are there.

USA women's basketball toyed with Serbia before going on to a 110-84 win yesterday. Diana Taurasi must have found the fountain of youth in Brazil...she is popping (and hitting) three at an amazing rate. Angel McCoughtry is having the time of her life...did you catch her 360 layup score on a 
fast break with about a minute left in the game? Putting a little relish on that can of corn. 

How about the stiff test our beach volleyball duo got yesterday from Switzerland? Or the continued successes of Michael Phelps and USA women's swimming wunderkind Katie Ledecky

What are your favorite sports to follow in Rio? I'm a basketball guy first, followed by beach volleyball and swimming. What are your thoughts and impressions of the Olympiad? Let us know. 

Meanwhile, the UofL women's basketball team soaks up sun and culture at a Cuban resort. A tough life...



  1. A good read on WBB top teams.

    Nick O

    1. He mis-spelled Briahanna but otherwise a good read. 3rd? A lofty ranking for the Cards...


  2. Good good article about women's basketball can't wait for the season to start.!

  3. Good article can't wait for the season to start but are you ready for some football.


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