Friday, August 12, 2016

Introducing....Case Hoskins -- FRIDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


We have hinted around that there might be a surprise for you coming up today and it's our esteemed pleasure and extreme privilege to announce CASE HOSKINS has joined CARDINAL COUPLE as a columnist. 

Case will be covering several different things for us...most notably his perspectives of Louisville Football from a fan's viewpoint. It is new ground we enter here...a weekly article about football...but we feel Case is the right guy to plunge in this pool and get out feet wet in the area. 

Case is a graduate of Butler High School here in Louisville and attended the University of Louisville...graduating in May with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was a member of Triangle fraternity and also did a series of columns for Card Chronicle called 'A View From The Student Section' under the moniker "bestCASEscenario". 

Case's writing style is one I'm sure you'll enjoy. As he mentioned to me..."I'm not a stats or play-by-play writer...anyone can do that. I try to go beyond that and look at the fan's viewpoint and reaction." 

We'll feature Case once a week, usually on Sunday...We'll also have him covering men's basketball and a wide variety of women's sports in his unique style. 

As an aside, I've known Case since he was a grade-schooler...being friends with his mom, dad and sister. I've seen him grow from a shy and serious little boy into an intelligent, humorous and athletic man. I don't think I could tackle him in backyard football anymore. I could probably still trounce him in bean bag toss. 

He's looking forward to the challenge. He wants to continue writing in addition to working full-time and he'll have a free reign on what he wants to write about here. He's doing it for love of sport and athlete. That fits our criteria perfectly.

As for the site, you'll still have Worldwide and me to deal with the other six days a week. Our mission statement remains the same..."the joy and excitement of UofL women's sports from a fan's perspective"...we're just adding a couple of men's sports. As it was mentioned to me by a UofL figure I admire quite a bit:

"There's a lot of women's sports fans and women athletes who follow football and men's basketball too. Devoting a day a week to them wouldn't detract from what you guys do the rest of the time" 


So, it's not a radical departure from the CARDINAL COUPLE you've come to know and love. It's just an addition to an already big structure. 

Case's first article will be Sunday. We'll interview him briefly on our Saturday radio show and may make him a fixture on that as well. Welcome him...he's 'good people' and we're glad to have him.




  1. Welcome to Cardinal Couple Case! Looks like you got a good one Paulie!

    -- The Real Joe Hill --

  2. Paulie, I am a huge women's sports fan and also like football and men's basketball plus baseball. I have no problem with Cardinal Couple shifting emphasis once a week. I went and read a few of Case's articles at Card Chronicle. I look forward to seeing what he'll produce for Cardinal Couple. Congratulations, Case!
    The Deb Factor

  3. about time you got some youth over here Paulie. j/k. welcome case. you gonna luv this site.

  4. As long as all of the football and men's basketball sites aee no harm devoting one day a week to women's sports I have no issue with it :-)

    1. Exactly my thoughts. Seems like a nice person and probably writes/speaks well but it would be nice to give more coverage to women's rowing, diving, tennis, etc. as opposed to football/men's basketball - two events I only rarely watch on TV - never in person.

    2. I think it is a great move Paulie. Fans are fans no matter what sport it is and it is nice to see that you guys are going to take a look at these two sports. Like any other site, I assume you want readers. Who is going to draw in more readers? Diving or football?

      Blue Lou


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