Friday, August 16, 2024

WSOC dominates Bellarmine in season opener 7-0 -- FRIDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


Gooooooood Friday morning readers! 

We are so back! The Cardinal Couple gang gathered over at Lynn Stadium to kick off the 2024-25 sports seasons with a WSOC match vs the neighboring Bellarmine Knights. 

2024 Edition of Cardinal Couple Group Pic

Photo by Katy Anderson

I've mentioned how campus is coming back to life after the summer break several times with the students moving back to campus this week so there have been moving trucks and orientations everywhere. 

And once the first soccer match happens, the semester is officially underway & it'll be Christmas break before we know it! 

But I could feel the excitement and buzz of campus as i drove down Floyd Street just before the match.  I think the freshman all went over to the football field to get their group pic because I saw about 1000 of them walking together that way in matching shirts. 

Good luck to everyone this semester! 

Women's Soccer

The WSOC Cards got straight to business on Thursday night vs the visiting Bellarmine Knights.  The Knights did bring a good amount of fans out to the ballpark to try and steal a win on the Cardinals home pitch.  But the Cards showed zero signs of intimidation from the visitors as UofL came out kicking and managed to put 2 goals on the board in the first 10 minutes and took a 4-0 lead into the halftime break. 

Betsy Huckaby and Viktoria Wik were the first Cardinals to score on the night at the 6 and 10 min mark respectively. 

Just a few minutes later Amber Jackson connected on her first of two goals on the evening to put the Cards up 3-0 while Brooke Dardano assisted in the connection for both Jackson and Karson Cherry's first goal of the season just 2 minutes later.   The team celebrated together at the Cardinal bench before heading into the halftime break. Dardano had 3 assists in the match.   
The Cardinals had 25 shots total while the Knights managed just 3 in the match.  Mackenzie Geigle and Molly Cochran also scored for UofL.  

The Cardinals are back in action this weekend at Lynn Stadium facing UAB on Sunday at 7:30pm.  Admission is free and it is viewable on the ACC Network Extra. 


Post Game Interviews

As Always
Go Cards! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice win. Nice pic of your crew.
    Nick O


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