Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Minor Volleyball Schedule Updates -- TUESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Volleyball Updates 2024 Schedule

Photo courtesy of GoCards

Louisville volleyball has altered their schedule slightly for the upcoming 2024 season. Their are no additions or subtractions to the opponents, but we did see some date or time changes for the matches against Tennessee, Northern Iowa, Creighton, Nebraska, and Stanford.

Louisville vs Tennessee, Sept 1 at 4:00pm

Labor Day Weekend will showcase an exciting volleyball match between the Cards and Vols. The two foes will square off at the KFC Yum! Center late afternoon that Saturday.

Louisville vs Northern Iowa, Sept 14 at 1:30pm
Louisville vs Creighton, Sept 15 at 1:00pm

We don't see Saturday matches too often in volleyball, but the early season invitationals usually showcase some. In this case, the Cards will square off against Northern Iowa just after lunchtime. Creighton and Rice will kick off the Saturday right before. Louisville will then face Creighton Sunday afternoon the next day. With four teams playing in the Cardinal Classic, the KFC Yum! Center has the capacity to handle all of the fan bases.

Photo courtesy of GoCards

Louisville vs Nebraska, Sept 22 at 12:30pm

With a home football game happening on Saturday, Louisville Athletics wisely choose to have a legendary match between the Cards and Huskers on Sunday. This has the makings of a sellout crowd downtown. I wouldn't be surprised to see one of the ESPN channels pick this up. They'd be dumb not to.

Louisville vs Stanford, Sept 29 at 3:30pm

Here's another potential ESPN showing. This is a rematch from a five-set battle where Stanford came out ahead last year. The reason for the time change on this is unknown unless it is to help with viewership on the west coast.

We plan to have plenty of coverage for the upcoming volleyball season.

Happy Tuesday and Go Cards!

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