Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Five softball Cards named to CSC Academic All-District -- WEDNESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


FIVE UOFL SOFTBALL players have been named to the College Sport Communicators (CSC) Academic All-District team. Pitchers Sam Booe and Alyssa Zabala, infielders Daisy Hess and Bailee Richardson and catcher Kiley Goff have earned the honor. 

In order to earn the honor, you must be a starter or important reserve and carry at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale.  Goff is a transfer to the Cards from Maryland, Hess and Richardson transfers-in from Georgia State.  Zabala arrived as a freshman to campus and so did Booe ,a junior.  Both were recruited and signed by the Cards out of high school.  


Booe was also named to the CSC academic honor last year and had also been named to the ACC Academic Honor Roll twice. 


Goff stepped in and took over catching duties when Sarah Gordon transfered out of Lousville last year. 

Pretty "Flower" Daisy Hess
Hess came in from Georgia State and took over at shortstop and was named team captan her first season as a Cards student-athlete. She graduates as a five year starter and two time All-ACC selection.


Richardson was also at Georgia State before arriving at Lousville and became a Cards starting infielder, either at second or third base. 


Zabala had third team All-ACC honors her rookie season and led the Cards in pitching her sophomore year....gathering 18 wins. 

We are proud of these student-athetes that are getting it done in the classroom as well as on the field.  Although Hess and Richardson will be missed in the infield, Zabala. Booe and Goff should be strong factors on the 2025 Cards roster. 


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