Saturday, December 24, 2022

Jones Returns for Volleyball -- SATURDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Aiko Announces One More Year

Louisville fans got an early Christmas present yesterday when Aiko Jones officially announced she’d be returning for the 2023 volleyball season. While there was plenty of speculation that this would be the case, the official word is great to have. Jones’ return means that Louisville will have one less gap to fill from a team that was one win away from a national title. In the 2022 season, Aiko led the team in service aces while finishing second in both kills and blocks. The Cards remain on the hunt for that championship, as we fans hope they can get one before Dani Busboom Kelly “returns home” to Nebraska. 

The Joy and Excitement of Louisville Athletics

As the holiday season is upon us, it’s a time for joy and celebration. We here at Cardinal Couple work to bring you the joy and excitement of Louisville women’s athletics every day, but everyone has moments that stand out. We’d like to hear yours. What Louisville women’s sports moment or moments brought you the most joy from this 2022 calendar year? For me, it’s hard not to pick the volleyball team’s run, though not just for the wins. In the last few years, Louisville athletics have struggled, and the volleyball team has been among the most consistent performers. Seeing other fans come to the sport and recognize the specialness of the team has been wonderful to me, as that’s the type of thing we’re trying to inspire with Cardinal Couple. Louisville being a part of getting regular season volleyball back onto major sports networks and winning in front of huge audiences was also pretty nice.

Chime in in the comments below with your answers.

Cardinal Couple Radio Hour Podcast

We'll have the last episode of the year this week, as we'll take New Year's Eve off. This week we'll look at the year that was 2022 for Louisville women's athletics and remember more of those exciting moments. We should have most of the crew on hand for a fun show. As always, you can check out the live stream of the show by going to the Cardinal Couple YouTube page and clicking on the live video. Jeff usually creates that about an hour before the show, which officially starts at 11 AM Eastern. If the live time doesn't work for you, there are plenty of playback options, so be sure to check out whichever is best for you!

Cardinal Couple YouTube: Link
Anchor (podcast host): Link
Apple Podcasts: Link
Google Podcasts: Link
Overcast (free account required): Link
Pocket Casts (free account and app required): Link
RadioPublic: Link
Spotify: Link

Until next time, Go Cards!



  1. Being a WBB hoops fan first, and everything else second, getting to the Final Four in Minneapolis is mt best memory of 2022 when it comes to women's sports at UofL. Yeah, drawing So. Car wasn't exactly the best of luck, but was proud of my Cards and they never gave up the fight.

    Curtis "bee kind" Franklin

  2. Volleyball and Kasa Robinson

  3. Happy holidays Cards fans, I gotta go with volleyball. A magical run. and with Aiko returning, looking forward to seeing what they do in 2023.

    Man, I was outside for about 10 minutes this morning, and it's a place NO ONE wants to be.

    Blue Lou

  4. This announcement< we'll we starting the podcast at 10:15 AM this Saturday morning, so it should be available to y'all earlier than normal.
    Me, Jared and Case....that I know of.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Whoops, wrong site. Lol.


  7. The Volleyball run, no doubt.

    Nick O

  8. Both the volleyball and the Women's Basketball team are top notch Elite programs happy holidays cards Nation!!


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