Sunday, July 31, 2022

Anticipation - Sunday Cardinal Couple

Hints of Activity

There are indications on campus of sports gearing up for the beginning of the school year.

Of course, our favorite athletes and coaching staffs keep plenty busy throughout the summer, just in ways that we don't typically see as much.  But some visible signs of the times are starting to be seen.

WBB moves in to the new Denny Crum Hall
Rosters have been updated on the official GoCards site for all of the sports that I checked, with new head shots from recently completed photo days.  Athletes are moving in to their new housing.  And tomorrow, the calendar flips over to a new month where we can see official events.  The first of those events, a Women's Soccer exhibition game, is less than two weeks away, even!

I hope you're as excited as I am getting for fall sports to begin.  It won't be long, now.

Hines-Allen Shoe Auction

The Mystics have created an event where they are auctioning several pairs of custom sneakers, hand drawn by artist Sammy Handler around themes picked by the athlete that will be wearing the shoes.  The proceeds from the auctions will go to charities picked by the athlete.  Myisha Hines-Allen is one of the athletes participating and the theme of her shoes is animal adoption, with proceeds from her shoe auction will go to the Humane Rescue Alliance.

Myisha Hines-Allen and Ace

The shoes are custom Nike Air Force 1s and have depictions of the Washington D.C. skyline, Hines-Allen's number two jersey, the Mystics logo, and most adorably, her dog, Ace.

Beware, if you want to bid, that the current (at the time of writing) bids for all of the shoes are at least $800, with Ace helping to draw a current bid of $1,000.  Elena Della Donne's Pride and The Trevor Project themed shoes are approaching $2,000.

Myisha Hines-Allen's custom Nike Air Force 1s
featuring Ace


We took a week off from the Cardinal Couple Radio Hour Podcast this week as a confluence of scheduling events conspired against us.

We should be back next week with, (and if this doesn't drive home how close the fall seasons are getting, nothing will) an actual game preview for Women's Soccer in exhibition against Cincinnati.

- JMcA

1 comment:

  1. So ready for sports to start back! I don't think the Myisha or the Elena sneakers are too expensive. Just out of my price range and there are no guarantees you'll play like then if you buy and wear them.

    Curtis :Be Kind" Franklin


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