Wednesday, May 18, 2022



Nick Evans is moving on from his position with Louisville Athletics as an assistant sports information director for women's basketball, women's soccer and lacrosse to a new position with the University...where he'll now be an associate director of communications for the Development office. 

Nick, a Louisville native, came to  the University of Louisville in August of 2017 from Morehead State University, where he was the sports information director. 

Although we are very happy to see Nick grow and prosper within the University of Louisville, it is with sad regret that we see him leave the Athletic Department, For us, Nick was the "go to" guy anytime we had a question about WBB, WSOC or LAX and he was always eager to set us up with interviews with coaches, staff, players and trainers for his three programs. 

I spent a lot of hours in the press boxes for Lacrosse and Women's Soccer with Nick over the past five years and also at the KFC YUM! Center covering women's basketball. He always made sure I was doing OK, had everything I needed and got the Cardinal Couple staff and I interviews, post game press conference information , as well as insights and reports on whoever the Cards were playing. 

It became a tag line, of sorts, when we weren't sure of something in his say "Lemme ask Nick, he'll know." and he always came through. Of course Lori Korte Harmon does the same for us in the sports she covers and the S.I.D.'s at UofL have helped us so much since we started Cardinal Couple. 

I knew of Nick before he ever got to Louisville or Morehead through his work with the Louisville Bats. I also know his dad back from the days when I would hire him for Christmas Party dance music and frivolity at Sportsmen Supper Club. 

He was never too busy to spend a few minutes with you in his office in the Student Athletic Center building or pre or post game at a UofL sporting event. 

Like the other S.I.D.'s his job and responsibilities went through a lot of changes in the COVID period, when attendance was limited, media was masked, spaced and moved to "safe" areas of coverage and tele-conferences were the way post game remarks and comments were handled. 

Sonja was fond of Nick also, he grew up right down the street from where Sonja's mom lived and Sonja grew up. 

Communications and development are two areas he's always excelled at, so I have no doubt he'll excel in his new position. It'll be hard to replace him and what he did, but, as the saying goes: "You can't keep a good man down." .and Nick is one of the best. 

I hope to see my friend around campus still and at sporting a fan...and will always be grateful for all he did to aid and assist us knuckleheads here at Cardinal Couple in reporting about the joy and excitement of UofL women's sports. 

We won't say "Goodbye" to Nick, just "see ya further on down the road"...and a big thanks for what he did as a member of the sports information department and us at Cardinal Couple. 


Please join me and the Cardinal Couple crew in wishing Daryl Foust a Happy Birthday !  Daryl has been an integral part of the various Cardinal Couple Radio Shows and Podcasts over the years and writes a Friday column at the website here.

We're honored and proud to have her as a part of the Cardinal Couple gang and so proud of what she has accomplished so far in life and look eagerly to what she'll do next. We're glad to have her on board, and...remember don't get older, just better.




  1. Somehow, it seems like I've seen him on the WBB sidelines longer than five years. I can't even remember who had the job before him. Any clue on who is the next WBB SID?

    Another Nick --- Nick O

  2. It was Ira Green for a few years, and Kim Pemberton before that. Neither work directly for UofL anymore...last I heard Ira was with Norton's HealthCare and Kim was working with the ACC Network and with Louisville International airport.


  3. I know SID's do a lot and are very important to programs. Louisville has some good ones and glad they help out my favorite website here! I've seen Nick stop by and chat with Paulie and Sonja wherever they were sitting in press row at UofL WBB games and I'm sure he was quite helpful to Jared as well. Good luck Nick !!!

    Curtis "Be Kind" Franklin

  4. Hello Friends!
    Arthur Here!

    Happy Birthday Daryl!

    Sounds like Nick is moving up. I remember seeing him when Louisville WBB was here and I'm sure he'll be hard to replace. Y'all have such a high class and prolific program, though, I will guess that your Coach Walz and athletic department has a big pile of resumes from people who would live to have that job

    Your friend
    #1 Clemson Fan
    Greer, SC


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