Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th!! -- Saturday Cardinal Couple


As is tradition here at Cardinal Couple, we usually don't do an article on major holidays and that's the "case" for us today as Case is off...enjoying time off with the family. 

We bring you the marching band music of John Phillip Souza instead today. Stars and Stripes Forever is just a great tune. 

Here's hoping your 4th is a good one. I know, different times and situation here in 2020 but one thing that hasn't changed is that it is the United States of America's Independence Day and we are still the greatest country in the world.

We are all in this together as we fight our greatest enemy of all -- a virus that cares not whether you are rich, poor, black, white, young or old.

Let's get this "W" !!! 

Enjoy your 4th, we'll have some sort of Cardinal Couple Radio Hour Podcast later today! 



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