Thursday, August 8, 2019

Jess Laemmle Interview -- THURSDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


Senior guard, student-athlete Jess Laemmle has been a fan-favorite since she walked on the University of Louisville women's basketball squad in the fall of 2016. I had the opportunity to have a chat with Jess on Wednesday to discuss her time at Louisville, what the future holds for her and her thoughts on a variety of subjects. 

Affectionately known here at CARDINAL COUPLE as "the Attack Yorkie", Jess graduated from Louisville Mercy High School and was the 2016 Louisville Catholic Sports Network's Girls' Basketball Player of the Year. Having just recently received her degree in Psychology, Jess plans on attending graduate school at UofL and exploring Sports Administration. 

Jess is a prime example of the joy and excitement that is Louisville women's sports. Jess probably could have attended a smaller school and been a starter...but her love for the program at Louisville, her teammates, the staff, the city and the fans kept the 5'2" guard local. 

Listening Points: 

-- Her favorite memory as a Card.

-- Toughest opponent she's ever faced.

-- Her "All-Star" team she'd like to play with.

-- Jess reveals the nicknames for Georgia Tech transfers Elizabeth Balogun and Elizabeth Dixon

-- Things important to her.

-- Who she would trade places with for a day

-- Her special message to Cardinal women's basketball fans.

Jess easily gets by Paulie's woeful defense
I hope you enjoy this interview with Jess. It was an esteemed honor and pleasure to be a part of it. Jess fully realizes and has shown what it takes to be a success -- in life, in the classroom and on the basketball court. 

Here's wishing her and the team the best of luck in the 2019-20 and to capturing the objective -- a FINAL FOUR spot and National Championship. 





(A special "Thank You" to women's basketball S.I.D. Nick Evans for arranging this interview and serving as photographer!) 

Have a terrific Thursday!



  1. You gotta love Jess and this interview brings out those qualities we love.

    Detective Laemmle? Private eye Laemmle? I'm gonna have to drop my "life of crime" with Jess, Bionca and Jazz patrolling the streets in the future.

    Curtis "taking the fifth" Franklin

  2. Go! Jess! Go ! Have had the opportunity to chat with her in the past and found her to be a educated, witty, dedicated and knowledgeable young woman.

    And quit elbowing her in the head, Coach J.P. !!


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