Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Call it what you will...it'll happen today down by the Ohio River -- TUESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Tuesday's Cardinals Summer Festival Cancelled

(alas...another photo op with Louie the Cardinal Bird and Jazmine Jones slips by...) 

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Due to anticipated inclement weather, the University of Louisville's Cardinals
Summer Festival which had been scheduled for 6 p.m. tonight (Tuesday, Aug. 16) at Captain's Quarters Riverside Grille has been cancelled.  Thunderstorms are forecast during the outdoor event and concern for fan safety caused the cancellation.  No makeup date will be scheduled.
The UofL fall sports season kicks off this weekend with Women's Soccer opening their third season in Lynn Stadium on Sunday, Aug. 21 vs. Indiana State at 1 p.m.  Saturday (Aug. 20) is the first chance to see the defending ACC Champion UofL volleyball team as they host their Red and Black Scrimmage in Cardinal Arena beginning at 6 p.m.  Men's Soccer's first regular season action is next Friday (Aug. 26) while the football team hosts Charlotte on Thursday, Sept. 1.  Field Hockey will open its home schedule on Sept. 3 vs. Brown.  For more information on upcoming events, visit www.GoCards.com.


The annual gathering down at Captain's Quarters used to be known as the Cardinal Caravan. Someone in marketing must have had a brainstorm or maybe the St. Louis baseball team (who has a similarly named event) may have protested..whatever the reasoning...the event has been re-named Cardinals Summer Festival and it will take place down by the Ohio River this afternoon/evening at the restaurant off River Road. 

Food, beverage, inflatables, free schedules, coaches, players, raffles, probably Sean Moth and sweltering heat all in store for UofL fans as the fall sports season draws near.

Sonja at Cardinal Caravan with former writer Sandy Walker
These have been fun events over the years. I've gotten some great photos and interviews with UofL coaches and student-athletes in the past. One of my favorite photos of Sonja came from there (with Tia Gibbs). The fish sandwich at Captain's Quarters is worh the drive. I expect no differently this year, no matter what it's called. Let's just hope the rain stays away...there have been a couple of these in the past where mother nature has unloaded the skies on the festivities. 

Sonja won't be there this year. I'll carry on somehow without her. 
It's one of the few times each year that your intrepid columnist gets over to that part of the county and I've wondered aloud each year why they continue to hold the event there when there are other venues that would make more sense regionally. This used to be a three or four stop caravan...with stops in Shelbyville, Southern Indiana...southwestern Jefferson County and other outlying areas from the campus. Coaches would comment on climbing on the buses and going to see the fans.

No such travelling that I know of for 2016 has been announced yet. Maybe that's another reason why they could have changed the name. They did try concept this a few weeks back at the UofL Golf Club in Simpsonville. Thunder storms were expected, they came and the event was cancelled in advance. 

It matters not, I suppose, what this gathering is called. Goodbye Caravan, hello Summer Festival. The structure and purpose remains the same...to get the coaches and players out to talk to, shake hands with and pose for pictures with the fans. 

Always a good thing. 



  1. To borrow from Bill the Cat, "THBBFT".

    As with the event that was planned for the ULGC, the event this evening has been cancelled due to anticipated inclement weather.

    August in Louisville can really suck sometimes. :/


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