Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Cardinal Couple -- Laundry Day - Again


-Sandy Walker on hoops, caravans, Olympics and mathematics.

( The Tuesday CARDINAL COUPLE features staff columnist Sandy Walker, who aires her laundry once again for the benefit and enjoyment of our readers. We need to send her a bottle of fabric softener for her efforts...Here's Sandy! )

Predicted rain showers does not stop Sandy's Laundry day.

Picture by Denis Gostev
Recent good news includes 5’9” senior point guard Saniya Chong naming Louisville as one of her final four college choices.   She is on target to end her high school career as one of the leading scorers to play in the state of New York.  Plans are for official visits to begin in September.   You can check out more information about her at:

It is also reported that Emmonnie Henderson, a power forward from Edwardsville, Ill., has reduced her final consideration list to 5 teams which also includes Louisville.



Remember to not only mark your calendars but also to pre-register to attend any of this week’s Cardinal Caravan’s.   Louisville’s event is set for this Thursday at 5:30 and is being held at Captain’s Quarters.  Call  Katie Kiper at 502-852-0721 to make your reservations which will include Louisville coaches, players and the Cardinal Couple along with staff writers.  http://www.uoflalumni.org/s/1157/internal-3column.aspx?sid=1157&gid=1&pgid=1144&cid=2116&content_id=860


A joint announcement by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine and the NCAA has recognized 10 U of L student-athletes as excelling in the athletic field, classroom and as a contributors to the campus or community.  UofL women award winners were basketball players Shawnta Dyer, Tia Gibbs and Antonita Slaughter, Amashi Kendall, Chinwe Okoro, Michelle Theophille, and Gabrielle Jackson from track and field and from the softball team, Tesha Paysen.  These special honors did not come easily as to qualify, each as of last fall, must have a grade-point average of 3.2 or higher after at least one full academic year which included that of an active athlete and who was recognized as providing a campus or community service.

For any horse enthusiast, don’t forget that this weekend beginning on Friday July 22 stars the Kentucky Classic Paso Fino Horse Show.   It is held again this year at the Shelbyville Fairgrounds in Shelbyville KY and admission is free.    For details, class schedules or any other information about this gaited breed check out http://www.kentuckypasofino.us/   Our Kentucky Association is fortunate to sponsor one of the top shows in the nation where many of the top national horses will be competing in what many see as a social atmosphere which more resembles a throw back country fair.  You can also check out the farmers market held on the fairgrounds on Saturday morning.


I found a great youtube University of Louisville promotion where we are shown how with new math we can learn how that “346 Plus Eight Equals One - Louisville First, Cards Forever “ http://youtu.be/mbuko7umlD0  The video highlights Louisville as the only 2011-2012 Division 1 school to have 8 teams in NCAA Postseason play.  The women’s teams were Volleyball, Soccer, basketball and softball.


Congratulations to Katie Petrino, University of Louisville sophomore golfer who this week qualified for the US Open as an Amateur.  The tournament is held at The Country Club in Cleveland, Ohio on August 6-12.


Here's an update of the women’s Olympic team which includes Angel McCoughtry. They defeated Brazil 99-67 in a pre-Olympic tune up. Ms. McCoughtry saw 11 minutes of action in a reserve role and ended up with four points. 


1 comment:

  1. The USA basketball teams will rule!

    Curtis Franklin


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