Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Cardinal Couple -- Cardinal Caravan rolls along


-Cardinal Caravan to make five stops in July

Cardinal Caravan, the yearly summer stops for the University of Louisville sports programs, has announced five stops over three days in July. UofL coaches and players address the crowds and the LadyBirds, UofL Cheerleaders, Louie the Cardinal Bird and Al Greener and the UofL Pep Band are expected to appear. 

Louisville head women's basketball coach Jeff Walz is schedule to appear at the caravan stops...along with football coaches and members of UofL's men's basketball team. Sandy Pearsall will represent the 55-win softball team. Here's the schedule:


Frankfort, KY. - Buffalo Trace Distillery. 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Newport, KY. - Newport Aquarium. 4:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.


Bowling Green, KY. - National Corvette Museum. 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.


Owensboro, KY. - River Park Center. 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Louisville, KY. - Captain's Quarters. 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

You can RSVP your intent to attend to: 


Looks like Southern Indiana doesn't get a stop this year. Never attended the ones at Huber's or by the Ohio but heard they were a good time. Maybe later? Maybe it's time to hold one in Lexington. Calipari's front yard would be a idea. 


I can't help but wonder what will come out of all these women's basketball recruits that are suppose to be showing up in 2013 at UNC?  Seven, so far, and they are still chasing after Mercedes Russell. That, coupled with recent academic scandal on campus, have Chapel Hill ready for a reality series on TV. Russell won't (or will...depending on which news source you check) attend the UNC skills camp that is taking place before the one-day Louisville elite skills camp on the 28th. 

Louisville had six recruits show up at the same time a couple of years back. It was the 2008-09 season and Louisville had Gwen Rucker, Becky Burke, Monique Reid, Janae Howard, Mary Jackson and Tiera Stephen on the roster as freshmen. 

We all know how that turned out. 

Hard to believe that Mo is the only one left on the 2012-13 roster that went to St. Louis for the final four. I wonder if her teammates will call her 'grand ma-ma' or 'the old lady' this year? Becky was one of the ones who made it as well. She's busy studying up on her Polish. Gwen settled on just one net after her sophomore year. Turned out pretty well for her, too. 

Last we heard, Janae Howard was playing for St. Catherine (KY) College. Mary Jackson was at Memphis for awhile but we've lost track of her. Tiera Stephen ended up at Wisconsin. 

Walz probably felt like Happy Gilmore (right)
at times during the 2009-10 season.
One wonders if any of the three that left would have had a helpful impact on the 2009-10 season. the Cards went 14-18 and had a short roster. Howard had a pretty good outside shot and Jackson might have been helpful inside. Stephen's guard play might have spelled Burke, Harper, Rachel Story and Raddie.

It's all conjecture, of course.

Injuries played a huge role in that season. Dez Byrd, LaToya Johnson, Nikki Burton, Chauntise Wright, Laura Terry all on the shelf. Ashley Rainey left. The hard work, dedication and effort that those who contributed to that season...against great odds...will never be forgotten. Shelby Harper, a walk on freshman, took on the best that the BIG EAST had to offer night after night. 

I don't doubt that UNC will have similar outcomes with the seven that arrive in the fall of 2013. Especially when you're already calling the class the "Fab Five."

Have a nice Sunday!


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