Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stars & Stripes FOREVER!


We wish you a fun, safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend. Whether it's going to a picnic or gathering, watching fireworks or just grilling out or chilling out...enjoy this weekend where we celebrate the independence of our nation. We'll see you Tuesday. 



Father Bob, an elderly parish preist was visiting the parish school one afternoon and stopped by to see the 4th graders. The children were studying the he asked them how many could they name. They came up with about 40. He jokingly told them that in his day, the students knew the names of all the states.

One lad raised his hand and said:

"Yes, father, but in those days there were only 13 of them."


John B. was at a horse racing track in Indiana and not having a great day handicapping the ponies. Frustrated at his attempts, he decided to bet the date in an trifecta in the upcoming race. The finish..7-4-10...paid $823 dollars on a $2 bet. (Try this at Churchill Downs tomorrow!)


Mrs. Grover was telling her nursery class about Independence Day and the 4th of July. She finished her comments by saying:

"We are very fortunate to be in a country where everyone is free."

A little boy jumped up from his chair and shouted back at her:

"I'm not free! I'm four!"


The employees at a factory were excited when the owners told them that the factory would be closed on the 4th of July and it would be a day off with pay. One new employee was heard commenting to another...

"How many times a year does this happen?" 

The other employee wisecracked...

"The 4th of July rolls around once a year."


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