Wednesday, August 28, 2024

AVCA Recap: Nebraska beats UK, Cards take down #3 Wisconsin in 4 games -- WEDNESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

 5 Hours of Volleyball in KFC YUM! Center

The joint was jumping, On Tuesday night in the KFC Yum! Center as  #6 Louiville defeated #3 Wisconsin in four sets and #2 Nebraska downed #9 Kentucky in four sets also. 

Nebraska Over Kentucky

This match began the evening and the lower bowl in the KFC Yum! Center was full for the 7 p.m. tip off. Nebraska dominated UK 25-21, 22-25, 25-15, 25-20. I didn't keep specific stats or a recap on this one, watching it on cable (ESPN2) in my living room at home, but Nebraska did double the number of blocks UK had (18-9) and hit .258 to UK .139

Three Nebraska players finished in double figures in kills, and, despite a second match slip up, Nebraska look like much the better squad, especially after halftime. 

A 10 page recap (seriously) is available at HUSKERS DOWN CATS is you want more.



It was an exemplary effort by the #6 Louisville Volleyball squad to hand a 3-1 set defeat on #3 Wisconsin in the nightcap game. Set scoring was 18-25, 25-17, 26-24, 25-20. Here's how I saw it...


1-6 Wisconsin gets off to an almost perfect start against the Cards
7-10 Anna DeBeer with a UofL kills to get Cards within three
11-14 Charitie Luper gets a kill for Cards
13-18 UofL takes a time out to regroup
15-21 DeBeer with another Cards kill
18-25 Cards put a return in the net, Wisconsin take first set


4-3 UofL forging to an early lead
12-13 Wisconsin regaining lead in a nailbiter so far
15-14 Reece Robins gets a UofL kill
16-14 Luper follows with a kill
18-14 Cards on a 5-0 run now, Place is going crazy
20-14 Robins tips one over
21-15 Cara Cresse kill
23-17 Wisconsin service error
24-17 DeBeer kill
25-17   Wisconsin puts return in net. Cards tie the match at halftime 1-1.


3-1 Luper block
6-4 Maldanado-Diaz kill for Louisville
7-8 Wisconsin jumps ahead on Robinson kill
10-10 DeBeer ties it with a kill
15-12 Wisconsin hits long
16-16 Wisconsin block ties it
20-16 Cresse kill pushes Cards up by four
21-21 Wisconsin ties it and Louisville looking flat right now
23-23 Wisconsin block ties it again
24-24 Cards block ties it... bonus ball ahead!
26-24 Wisconsin mishit gives third set to UofL     


2-2 Robins kill ties it early
2-2 Time out...gum on floor. Even DBK assists on the scrape off and removal. We'll blame Jared for this one.
6-3 Luper kill puts the Ville up by three
8-6 Wisconsin block
11-8 DeBeer kill
12-13 Wisconsin block gives them lead
14-15 Franklin kills for Badgers
17-16 Franklin kill gets Wisconsin back within a point
20-18 Ace serve by UofL
23-20 Cards get block at net
24-20 Robins kill
25-20 Louisville block at net gives Cards set and match.

A fun, although lengthy, evening volleyball in downtown Louisville Tuesday night !! 
Apologies for today's laptop went berserk this morning. Probably mad at me for waking it up so early.

NOTE: Jared checking in real fast. Formatting issues should be corrected now. -Jared

(Photos by Jared Anderson) 





  1. Watched this one out in Iowa where i am still working. This Cardinals squad is final four matertial and jut mu ight win it all.

    Curtis "15'll get ya 20" Franklin

  2. Is PK playing less of a role this year?

    1. No reason I see to think that. She was one of the two starting middles Tuesday, as normal.


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