Sunday, June 2, 2024

Volleyball at the KFC Yum! Center -- SUNDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Happy Sunday, Cards fans! The summer lull keeps us from reporting the joyful outcomes of various sporting events, but we are able to start building excitement for the fall. Volleyball is one of those fall sports we eagerly await to return.

The NCAA Final Four and National Championship will be held in Louisville in December, an event we hope to see Dani Busboom Kelly and Co playing in. The Cards have been to two Final Fours in the last three years and three straight Elite Eights. Having the chance to compete for the title in your hometown is more motivation to have another successful season.

Before we get to postseason play, Louisville will get to play in the KFC Yum! Center six times in the regular season this fall. The Cards will face Nebraska, Stanford, Pitt, Tennessee, Creighton, and Northern Iowa in 'the world's most spectacular area'. That six session ticket is going for as little as $78 (averaged out to $13 per match in the bundle option).

The Cards open up their season in three months on Sunday Sept 1 against Tennessee. The Creighton and Northern Iowa matches will happen as Louisville hosts the four-team Cardinal Classic Sept 13 and 14.

Nebraska is a match that has the potential to be a sellout. Louisville fans already pack the Yum well, but Nebraska fans know how to sell out a football stadium. Scheduling is still uncertain on this as they will play either Sept 21 or 22. Rumor has it, Louisville wants to play on Sunday Sept 22 as to not conflict with a home football game on Sept 21. Putting those on separate days makes sense to me.

New ACC foe Stanford is back in the KFC Yum! Center for a second straight year. Louisville looks to get revenge on them when they play Sunday Sept 29.

Louisville will close out the home season against Pitt on Wednesday Nov 27, the night before Thanksgiving. The ACC has traditionally played up through the night before or the day after Thanksgiving, but attendance numbers around the conference have been shaky due to the holiday. The Cards swept rival Pitt at home last year.

I plan to be at as many of these matches as possible and I know Jeff already has his season tickets. The move to the KFC Yum! Center opens up seating compared to the tightly packed L&N FCU Arena, which holds roughly 1,000 fans.

Happy Sunday and Go Cards!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that volleyball is playing more games in a nice size arena and out of the shoe box that barely holds support staff, the squads and maybe one media rep... if lucky.

    Nick O


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