Sunday, June 9, 2024

Track & FIeld Results

 Track & Field Results

As the NCAA Track & Field Championships came to a close yesterday, we officially close the book on the University of Louisville's athletic events.  Technically, the season turns over on July 1, but there are no events scheduled between now and then.  The composite calendar does list the US Olympic trials for track & field in a bit less than two weeks, but that, as the name would imply, is not an NCAA, and thus not an official University event.  We will, of course, keep our eyes on it for the possibility that some UofL athletes make the cut.

Two UofL women were competing yesterday.  As Case mentioned in his article yesterday, Jayden Ulrich took aim at her second event, the discus throw, and placed well.  Flinging the disc 63.05m, which translates to 206 feet 10 inches, Ulrich placed 2nd in the event, earning her a second First Team All-American honor in the process.

Ulrich becomes the first Louisville woman to place top five in multiple events at the NCAA Championships.

Also competing at the Championships was Soledad Jean in the high jump.  She completed 1.72m, five feet seven and three quarters inches, for a 23rd place finish.

The two competitors brought Louisville to an overall 22nd place finish on the women's side of the competition which is a program best, both in finish position, and points total.

Anna Stevenson Gets Olympic Alternate Nod

Anna Hall, nee Stevenson, was tabbed as an alternate for the USWNT roster for the Olympics in Paris.  I believe only one of the alternates will get to travel to Paris to be available to be added to the roster in the case of a player injury.  When that person will be named is unclear.

In the meantime, Stevie, a nickname she picked up here at Louisville, will be in the gym with the full team practicing with them and helping the overall team improve.

The middles that were named to the main roster are:
Haleigh Washington (Penn State)
Dana Rettke (Wisconsin)
Chiaka Ogbogu (Texas)

Cardinal Couple Radio Hour Podcast

Paulie and I kicked it old school yesterday, with just the two of us like it was back in the days in the basement on a hill.

We discussed the track & field goings on, went on at some length about various coaching and assistant coaching roles, including a rumor of a new assistant here at UofL.  We also talked about the new event added to the Volleyball calendar - the AVCA First Serve Showcase, as well as the usual shenanigans and randomness.

I just got the podcast posted a few minutes ago at the time of this writing, so if it hasn't propagated across podcast systems widely yet, give it a few minutes and it should show up.

You can also find it at the source:


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