Thursday, May 30, 2024

Spring Semester Academic Success -- THURSDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Louisville Athletics Posts High Spring 2024 Academic Ratings

For those of you who have been with us at Cardinal Couple for a while, you are familiar with our praise of Louisville Athletics both athletically and academically. Louisville student-athletes post some of the best academic numbers on campus each semester and the spring 2024 semester followed suit.

505 student-athletes were named to the Athletic Director's Honor Roll for the spring semester. The only requirements to make the list are that the student must carry at least a 3.0 GPA and must be an active student-athlete for one of Louisville's 21 sports or a member of the spirit squad (band, cheer, Ladybirds). The cumulative GPA among all student-athletes at Louisville was a 3.311, the 27th straight semester (13.5 years) that the GPA was 3.0 or better. An impressive 98 student-athletes posted a 4.0.

UofL's graduation success rate was a school record 93%, beating out the previous school year's 92%, per the NCAA. It is nearly impossible for a school to post a perfect 100% graduation success rate due to student-athletes transferring out or going pro. Basketball, golf, field hockey, soccer, and volleyball are the women's programs to post a perfect 100%.

The highest GPA of any team at Louisville was women's soccer, who posted a cumulative 3.704 GPA. The top performer men's team was men's golf, with a 3.497 team GPA.

As someone who graduated from Louisville with a 3.25 GPA, I'm impressed by the strong academic numbers that UofL continues to post every semester. As a retired member of the marching band and pep band, I can proudly say that I was a part of this prestigious Athletic Director's Honor Roll back in the day.

Happy Thursday and Go Cards!



  1. We sometimes forget I think that these are student-athletes, and many are not on scholarship. I was in a retail outlet near my college campus the other day trying to decide on particular tool to get a job done when i overheard a conversation between two "twenty-somethings".wearing sweatshrts with the school's name across the front. Not meanng to eavesdrop i was still able to determine that they were deciding whether they had enough money to purchase an implement, and to eat dinner that night both. The guy decided they needed the implement and they would skip dinner or go to a free food training table for one of their sports the next morning. I managed to get in front of them at check out and told the skeptical cashier that i was buying the implement that they were holding ...for them. I then went out to my car. I watched them leave and the look of joy and gratitude was something i will always remember. The girl especially...she looked like she had hope in her eyes again, in the store she had a dull, lifeless wxpression.

    Sometimes it isnt how much money you have, it's hat you do with it...

    Bloe Lou

  2. That is a wonderrful gesture, Blue Lou. It reminds me off wjhat a buddy of mine I used to work with years ago did. We were ata store, instaalling our product line (sometimesthey had us warehose mahagers do that) when we saw this cute little gu irl lookng at the bicycles near us. She wasfawning over a bright yellow one with a basket on the front. Her mother came up to her and told her they wereready to go. She looked at her omand askedif she could have the bicycle. Her mom tolld her they didnt have the money for it. The sad expression on the little girl's face got to me and my co-worker. As they walked away, he told me he'd be right back. A couple of minites later, the little grl came running back to the bicycyles and happiliy rolled the one with the basket away. I watched as she took it to checkout, My co-worker pulled out hisw allet, and handed the checkout clerk a credit card. The mother was near tears, and almost collasped in my co workers arms in her thanks and praise. They went out the door smiling. I was damn near in tears myself.

    'lll never forget that act of kindness and always will remember that look of pure joy and gratitiude that the mom and the little girl had. Sometimes it is the random actss of kindness that can change a day, or a life. I asked my coworker about it, after the two had left. He told me words similiar to this:

    "I can rememer being a little boy and running out to out yard to ride my bike first thng in the morning and how happy i was. I wanted to make sure that little girl had a chance for that same happiness.."



  3. wonderful stuff, guys, thanks for sharing. we all need to do someting like that now and then to center us and keep us real. Mine is taking underprivledged kids to athleitc events. i took a little girl and her mom to see the Cards WBB squad play a couple of times last year and they loved it and when a couple of players signed her poster, she was in seventh heaven


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