Wednesday, May 22, 2024

FIELD HOCKEY's Izzy Bianco Selected for USA Field Hockey squad. -- wEDNESDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


izzy Bianco, who will be a junior on the 2024 :Louisville Field Hockey squad, has earned a special honor, in being selected for the 2024 USA U-21 roster. The Cards also landed Lauren Masters and Rylie Wollerton as non-travelling alternates on the squad. 

18 student-athetes were named to the travel roster, and they survived three elections camps and a training camp to make the squad, that will participate in the Junior Pan Am Championships, which will be held June 26-July 12th in Surrey, British Columbia.Canada

The event is a qualifier for 2025 FIH Hockey Junior World Cup.


Bianco started in 14 of Louisville's 22 games in 2023 and scored a goal in the Cards 15-7 season.  The Cards advanced to the second round of the ACC Tournament Quarterfinals, where they were eliminated by Duke 0-1 and also made and advsanced to the second round of the NCAA Tournament Quarterfinals, where Northwestern knocked them off 2-3. at Northwestern. 

Bianco hails from Berlin, NJ and the midfielder was also a 2022 selection for the US U-21 squad. She led her high school squad to four conference and two back-to-back state titles. She also holds the New Jersey all-time record for assists (Career and single season). 

ACC Field Hockey will get a big boost to the league roster when Cal and Stanford join the league in August.

Our congrats and best wishes to Izzy for being reognized aabd selected as one of the best in college field hockey and we all here at Cardinal COUPLE are confident she'll have  top notch run with USA. 

We will post the result of USA here and will also list the 2024 Louisville field Hockey schedule on the right hand side of the site when it is finalized and released. 


1 comment:

  1. With Stanford and Cal coming aboard, Field Hockey will be very strong, those two programs are among the best

    Nick O


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