Friday, December 29, 2023

Last weekend of 2023 -- FRIDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


Hello readers, its our last Friday of 2023.   This time of the year always about some conflicting emotions for me.   Reflections, gratitudes, motivations and resolutions for the future.   If I haven't mentioned it here yet,  Thomas and I decided we would like to have a New Years Eve wedding next year so this time next year will be a whirlwind I'm sure so I am trying to take this one a little easier.   

Since there are no games going on,  I wanted to go through the 2023 seasons in pictures from our own Jared Anderson's archives and pick out my favorite four from each sport.   Enjoy!! 


Field Hockey





Shoutout to our reliable photographer, Jared Anderson.  He covers the women's side of the game for Cardinal Couple but he is also out there covering the mens squads so there are rarely off days for him.  He also tries to keep up with a full time job and marriage as well.   Everyone say THANK YOU JARED for these wonderful pics of our favorite teams each week!

Also want to shout to the fearless leader Paulie and wish him a speedy recovery.  Dont worry boss, we got the Cardinals covered!!

I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!    

As Always,
Go Cards


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