Thursday, September 21, 2023

WSoc Hosts Pitt for Late Kickoff -- THURSDAY CARDINAL COUPLE

Cards vs Panthers Set to Begin at 8:00

Louisville women's soccer is back in action after a five-day break. The Cards host ACC foe Pitt for an 8:00pm kickoff. This one is scheduled for ACC Network linear so you can catch this on both tv and online. The Cards look to get their second win of the season.

Most recently, Louisville drew with then-#20 Virginia 1-1. It was the third goal allowed by the Cavaliers on the year and the draw was the first point Louisville ever earned in the series.

Tonight's match is being promoted as Noche Latina (Latin Night) in conjunction with the University Cultural Center. 

At 8-1-0, Pitt may not be receiving the credit they deserve. The Panthers lone loss is a 2-1 score at ranked Xavier. It's one of two times they have been held to just one goal and they have not been shut out this year. Pitt is averaging an impressive 3.11 goals per game, which is eighth in the country. Their assist numbers ranks third.

Amanda West and Sarah Schupansky each have six goals this season while Samiah Phiri has five. Those three rank in the top 100 of all players in the country in scoring.

Pitt has allowed seven goals on the year and have shut out three opponents. Xavier is the only team to score multiple goals against the Panthers.

Louisville will have their hands full with Pitt and I expect to see a pretty heavy defensive set from Coach Karen Ferguson-Dayes and Co. Most likely, the formation will be some form of 4-4-2 or even a non-traditional 5-3-2 or 5-4-1.

Night games, especially later-than-normal kickoffs, can be tough but we hope to have a good Cardinal Couple showing for this one.

Happy Thursday and Go Cards!

1 comment:

  1. I hope for the best and a Cards win tonight, but they just don't seem to be able to seal the deal this year. Sad.

    Nick O


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