Monday, May 1, 2017

Louisville Softball falls to UVA in series finale 7-3...MONDAY CARDINAL COUPLE


For four innings, the Louisville Softball team was playing toward a series sweep against the Virginia Cavaliers. After overcoming a less than glamorous top of the first inning...where they allowed two unearned runs on two singles and two errors...they got the runs back in the bottom half of the inning when they put together a walk and three singles with two outs.  Cards even broke the 2-2 tie in the bottom of the fourth when Jordan McNary singled, stole second, advanced to third on a Morgan Meyer single and got home on Nicole Pufahl's sacrifice fly. 

The fifth, though, was not so kind to Louisville. UVA responded with six hits and used a Cardinal error to put up five runs. A three run homer off Maryssa Becker that bounced off the left center score board was the big blow...Becker gave way to Megan Hensley in the circle after that and the Wahoos sent two more home to complete the inning. 

Louisville left five runners in the next three innings and could not produce any further runs. 

The Cards skipper Sandy Pearsall spoke after the loss: 

"We set the tone early with errors to start the game," said UofL head coach Sandy Pearsall. "Maryssa came out an threw a good game early on and we did not make the plays behind her. It's hard to win games when you don't execute the little things."

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