Saturday, October 11, 2014

Noles continue womens sports dominance over Cards - - V Ball falls 3-1 -- Saturday Cardinal Couple

FSU defeats Louisville 3-1 in KFC YUM! Center

Louisville Volleyball dropped a match to #5 Florida State in ACC Volleyball last night in the KFC YUM! Center three sets to one. The Cards fall to the Noles' 21-25, 26-24, 18,25, 21-25. 

The first set was tied 14-14 before FSU broke away on a late 5-0 run to set the Cards down. Louisville rallied to win the second set, coming back from a 22-24 deficit to win 26-24. Following half-time, it was all FSU...bombing the Cards 18-25 in the third and holding Louisville at bay 25-21 in the final. 

The Cards were led by Laura Blab with 12 kills. Katie George was spectacular in passing again. Louisville just isn't quite ACC
level ready for domination this season in volleyball the way they were in the AAC or Big East.

FSU, on the other hand, fits the ACC nicely and has become the school so far most adept at handing out punishment to our women's sports programs. The 'Noles rolled over women's soccer last week 6-0. 

Break up the 'Noles.

Volleyball returns to the YUM today for a visit from Notre Dame at 2 p.m.

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No CARDINAL COUPLE RADIO for you today. Paulie and Worldwide are both on the road and we haven't trained Pumpkin and Monk how to destroy a show with the success we have yet. 

We'll be back next weekend with all kind of stuff to baffle, amaze, confuse and stimulate you...(and us).  

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